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[ Lineup ] Best Lineup w/ all ninjas


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On 2020-09-04 05:08:59Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Is there a "best Lineup" that is basically unbeatable? Like if you had all of the ninjas with all breakthroughs, what would be the best team you could put together?

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On 2020-09-04 05:46:31Show this Author Only

That question is hard to answer as you need to factor in power and initiative. You would need to test lineups with two equal players, which is hard to find.

Also, check out space time fights (semi-finals and up) to understand my statement. For example: opponent 1 uses a kushina team against opponent 2 who uses kakuzu team and wins. Opponent 2 beats opponent 1 with a minato team. Both opponent can go back and forth switching their lineups to try to beat each other. There's also times where lineups are determined on when the player uses the mystery.

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On 2020-09-04 05:48:35Show this Author Only

Rock, paper, scissors, which one is better?

Sorta the same thing.

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On 2020-09-04 05:56:47Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2020-09-04 05:46:31
  • That question is hard to answer as you need to factor in power and initiative. You would need to test lineups with two equal players, which is hard to find.

    Also, check out space time fights (semi-finals and up) to understand my statement. For example: opponent 1 uses a kushina team against opponent 2 who uses kakuzu team and wins. Opponent 2 beats opponent 1 with a minato team. Both opponent can go back and forth switching their lineups to try to beat each other. There's also times where lineups are determined on when the player uses the mystery.

I see, so basically there is no best team because every team can be beaten by another team or it can just be as simple as losing because you have less initiative. I've been trying to look at space time fight lately which is why I asked actually because there does seem to be q good amount of variance. Thanks for the input!

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On 2020-09-04 05:57:31Show this Author Only
  • brensonlee On 2020-09-04 05:48:35
  • Rock, paper, scissors, which one is better?

    Sorta the same thing.

I see, kind of like the other person was saying. Pretty cool that this game is like this instead of just having 1 meta team.

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On 2020-09-06 00:36:59Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2020-09-04 05:46:31
  • That question is hard to answer as you need to factor in power and initiative. You would need to test lineups with two equal players, which is hard to find.

    Also, check out space time fights (semi-finals and up) to understand my statement. For example: opponent 1 uses a kushina team against opponent 2 who uses kakuzu team and wins. Opponent 2 beats opponent 1 with a minato team. Both opponent can go back and forth switching their lineups to try to beat each other. There's also times where lineups are determined on when the player uses the mystery.

The question is not difficult to answer what so ever, seal tsunade, kushi and the main and other character used are completely irrelevant.

Unless you come up against someone else also using both of those characters you will win, even if its only by attrition and it goes 10 rounds and you win because tsunades revival gives you more health.

The only stat that matters in this game is initiative, but with two characters as unequivocally broken as kushi and tsunade even that takes a back seat. Theres a reason even the mod with over 1 mil bp in my server gets irritated with bonds these days

Also about the post above mine, this game absolutely only has 1 meta, rarely a new character or new skill breaks come along, but at every stage in this game since it was first released there has been 1 team that every single player uses, the current meta is kushi and since oasis charge more for madara ten tails than most countries charge for mortgage rates it will likely be kushi for a long time still

This post was last edited by password1111 on 2020-09-06 00:38:36.
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On 2020-09-06 01:09:07Show this Author Only
  • password1111 On 2020-09-06 00:36:59
  • The question is not difficult to answer what so ever, seal tsunade, kushi and the main and other character used are completely irrelevant.

    Unless you come up against someone else also using both of those characters you will win, even if its only by attrition and it goes 10 rounds and you win because tsunades revival gives you more health.

    The only stat that matters in this game is initiative, but with two characters as unequivocally broken as kushi and tsunade even that takes a back seat. Theres a reason even the mod with over 1 mil bp in my server gets irritated with bonds these days

    Also about the post above mine, this game absolutely only has 1 meta, rarely a new character or new skill breaks come along, but at every stage in this game since it was first released there has been 1 team that every single player uses, the current meta is kushi and since oasis charge more for madara ten tails than most countries charge for mortgage rates it will likely be kushi for a long time still

You're also neglecting that if both players have kushina and tsunade, it comes down their main and the 3rd character. That 3rd character can either be a better support or adds additional damage. There's a reason why in China, Kushina isn't used on a consistent manner in compared to our server. If more people had madara ten tails and had access to his breakthroughs, the meta would shift just like with kakuzu last year. Don't ignore the fact people in space time switch teams for a reason if they lose a match to beat the opponent the following match which does happen.

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On 2020-09-07 02:59:01Show this Author Only

Kush can be controlled every round if timed right.

We have ninja that can make other ninja disappear for the entire fight.

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On 2020-09-07 05:33:43Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2020-09-06 01:09:07
  • You're also neglecting that if both players have kushina and tsunade, it comes down their main and the 3rd character. That 3rd character can either be a better support or adds additional damage. There's a reason why in China, Kushina isn't used on a consistent manner in compared to our server. If more people had madara ten tails and had access to his breakthroughs, the meta would shift just like with kakuzu last year. Don't ignore the fact people in space time switch teams for a reason if they lose a match to beat the opponent the following match which does happen.

(previous account was banned, but no matter)

that is a huge IF and you know it, kushi is free but tsunade is a whale only character and you know as well as i do whales hate competition, there is a reason why 4 years of this game and kagari and loco are still in one space time getting free wins because no one even cares enough to try anymore, while there are other equally powered players who could give kagari a challenge but we've never even heard of them and why is that? They hate competition and the concept of losing is damaging enough to their sense of self worth they pay to avoid effort and oasis bends over backwards to help them, everything is cross server now, but space time remains locked into the nonsensical bracket they always have been in, there is no reason space time couldn't be altered, they simply don't want to because they want to protect the 1% in their paid bubble of vanity to stroke their ego's because catering to the biggest spending customers makes financial sense. Imagine how much more interesting space time would be for everyone if there were fights and not just wins by time out because everyone already knows the outcome, imagine if at the end of each cycle we got to see the most powerful players use the hardest to obtain characters and have a real fight, instead of not even bothering to open the space time tab and instead just seeing the inevitable banner saying woohoo, kagari won because there were no other opponents.....again, just a few days ago was liz vs kagari in the final, Liz is strong af, but even she knows its not worth her time, so she went into the fight with just her main to get it over with quickly, you say people change team in space time to adapt to the opponent, I do not know if you see a different bracket than I do, but that has not been true for what i see for a long time

I do not pretend to know every powerful player in our game and I do not deny there will be exceptions. Who knows? in over 1500 servers there might actually be a person with a thick wallet who isnt a complete tool, but the bulk of the biggest whales avoid anybody they have any chance at all of losing to as if their lives depended on it, but yes you are right, in the infinitesimally small potentiality that 2 big whales accidentally face off against each other, then and only then do the other 2 characters in the lineup matter at all.

Yes meta changes names, but the game and concept remain, at any one point in time there is one team that is measurably the best current team in the game, thats why everyone flocks to it, because they are too *, too boring or too dumb to even try and counter it, and at this moment in time both kushi and tsunade are broken beyond reason, they are effectively dev mode characters, the type of characters developers would use during development testing to repeat instances over and over checking for bugs without having to worry about dying so they can just focus on performance and bug testing, so combining them would put you on top, with the exception of the cir*stances in the first paragraph, so unless kagari , loco or someone else with over 1.5mil bp reads this, it is a valid point to practically the entire player base

This post was last edited by fune on 2020-09-07 06:02:14.
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On 2020-09-07 05:36:02Show this Author Only
  • brensonlee On 2020-09-07 02:59:01
  • Kush can be controlled every round if timed right.

    We have ninja that can make other ninja disappear for the entire fight.

please enlighten me how you can control kushi every round

if you want to control her consistently you would need a very specific lineup of just a handful of characters - fire main, ibiki, kurenai summer, hashi new year, bee 8 tails, but there are so many shortfalls in this.

with the exception of bee none of them have any real damage output, ibiki hits hard, once, but unless you have a nuke to finish what he started it isnt enough to take down a character with such obscene stacking as kushi.

Not to mention that with the exception of ibiki whose control has a chakra requirement to remove your control would be removed by every fire main, every water main, most wind main, any sakura,tsunade,shizune,gakido,cee,ino,hanzo,jigokudo,kabuto, slug summon etc. There are very very very few players running teams that dont have atleast one means of removing debuffs and excluding ibiki all forms of control over immune that we currently have are a piece of cake to remove.

She can be controlled, ofcourse but not every round, the number of characters who can easily remove control outnumber the characters who can control immune characters about 20-1.

If you have a team with the capability to suppress immunity, consistently control the most broken character in 4 years, while also preventing healing/debuff removal and has heavy hitters who can finish kushi off before the stacking is too much and/or the immunity wears off, I would very much like to see

This post was last edited by fune on 2020-09-07 05:51:23.
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On 2020-09-08 10:50:43Show this Author Only
  • fune On 2020-09-07 05:36:02
  • please enlighten me how you can control kushi every round

    if you want to control her consistently you would need a very specific lineup of just a handful of characters - fire main, ibiki, kurenai summer, hashi new year, bee 8 tails, but there are so many shortfalls in this.

    with the exception of bee none of them have any real damage output, ibiki hits hard, once, but unless you have a nuke to finish what he started it isnt enough to take down a character with such obscene stacking as kushi.

    Not to mention that with the exception of ibiki whose control has a chakra requirement to remove your control would be removed by every fire main, every water main, most wind main, any sakura,tsunade,shizune,gakido,cee,ino,hanzo,jigokudo,kabuto, slug summon etc. There are very very very few players running teams that dont have atleast one means of removing debuffs and excluding ibiki all forms of control over immune that we currently have are a piece of cake to remove.

    She can be controlled, ofcourse but not every round, the number of characters who can easily remove control outnumber the characters who can control immune characters about 20-1.

    If you have a team with the capability to suppress immunity, consistently control the most broken character in 4 years, while also preventing healing/debuff removal and has heavy hitters who can finish kushi off before the stacking is too much and/or the immunity wears off, I would very much like to see

I see you understand the rock, paper, scissor *ogy.

Yes, she can be controlled.

Yes, there are counters to that counter.

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On 2020-09-26 21:50:01Show this Author Only
  • fune On 2020-09-07 05:33:43
  • (previous account was banned, but no matter)

    that is a huge IF and you know it, kushi is free but tsunade is a whale only character and you know as well as i do whales hate competition, there is a reason why 4 years of this game and kagari and loco are still in one space time getting free wins because no one even cares enough to try anymore, while there are other equally powered players who could give kagari a challenge but we've never even heard of them and why is that? They hate competition and the concept of losing is damaging enough to their sense of self worth they pay to avoid effort and oasis bends over backwards to help them, everything is cross server now, but space time remains locked into the nonsensical bracket they always have been in, there is no reason space time couldn't be altered, they simply don't want to because they want to protect the 1% in their paid bubble of vanity to stroke their ego's because catering to the biggest spending customers makes financial sense. Imagine how much more interesting space time would be for everyone if there were fights and not just wins by time out because everyone already knows the outcome, imagine if at the end of each cycle we got to see the most powerful players use the hardest to obtain characters and have a real fight, instead of not even bothering to open the space time tab and instead just seeing the inevitable banner saying woohoo, kagari won because there were no other opponents.....again, just a few days ago was liz vs kagari in the final, Liz is strong af, but even she knows its not worth her time, so she went into the fight with just her main to get it over with quickly, you say people change team in space time to adapt to the opponent, I do not know if you see a different bracket than I do, but that has not been true for what i see for a long time

    I do not pretend to know every powerful player in our game and I do not deny there will be exceptions. Who knows? in over 1500 servers there might actually be a person with a thick wallet who isnt a complete tool, but the bulk of the biggest whales avoid anybody they have any chance at all of losing to as if their lives depended on it, but yes you are right, in the infinitesimally small potentiality that 2 big whales accidentally face off against each other, then and only then do the other 2 characters in the lineup matter at all.

    Yes meta changes names, but the game and concept remain, at any one point in time there is one team that is measurably the best current team in the game, thats why everyone flocks to it, because they are too *, too boring or too dumb to even try and counter it, and at this moment in time both kushi and tsunade are broken beyond reason, they are effectively dev mode characters, the type of characters developers would use during development testing to repeat instances over and over checking for bugs without having to worry about dying so they can just focus on performance and bug testing, so combining them would put you on top, with the exception of the cir*stances in the first paragraph, so unless kagari , loco or someone else with over 1.5mil bp reads this, it is a valid point to practically the entire player base

i'm not gonna say whether u're right or wrong, don't want any unnecessary fight here so gonna skip that.... but u know what makes whatever u said funny? the fact that u said kagari and loco are huge whales and make the game boring and stuff but still proceed to say that Liz is strong af.... bruh she a whale too? i mean 1.2 mil... lets be honest u cant reach the top without being whale, so get over it. don't just focus on 1 or 2 ppl here, u don't know on whichever other servers there r 1.2+mils too. and idk u might get banned againn, so a word of advice "be careful whatchu say." :D




edit: and wasn't Liz ranking #2 a month ago i think? +i can see loco sometimes not attending some fights

This post was last edited by HatsuneMiku♡ on 2020-09-26 21:53:22.
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On 2020-09-26 22:12:22Show this Author Only
  • HatsuneMiku♡ On 2020-09-26 21:50:01
  • i'm not gonna say whether u're right or wrong, don't want any unnecessary fight here so gonna skip that.... but u know what makes whatever u said funny? the fact that u said kagari and loco are huge whales and make the game boring and stuff but still proceed to say that Liz is strong af.... bruh she a whale too? i mean 1.2 mil... lets be honest u cant reach the top without being whale, so get over it. don't just focus on 1 or 2 ppl here, u don't know on whichever other servers there r 1.2+mils too. and idk u might get banned againn, so a word of advice "be careful whatchu say." :D




    edit: and wasn't Liz ranking #2 a month ago i think? +i can see loco sometimes not attending some fights

my guy, theres a lot to process in this thread, but what on earth are you trying to say?

"but still proceed to say that Liz is strong af.... bruh she a whale too"

.wut? I do not think you understood the post you are replying to .

The argument stated was that the outcome of events being guaranteed before they even begin is boring because competition no longer exists, how do you think that saying someone is strong undo that argument? if anything it cements it, the remark was that Liz, who is also the 1%, also knows that the outcome is guaranteed so even someone as strong as her backs down and lets kagari stroll to victory without even trying. What should be a clash of titans, the richest people using the best teams money can buy facing off, what should be a spectacle is instead over before it even begins. I do not know what your understanding of the message was, but I agree that essentially rigged stuff is boring

This is a weird example, but bear with me, it is the only universally understandable one I can concoct.

Imagine the world cup, imagine if one team was guaranteed to win all their matches before they even knew who their opponents were.

Imagine it gets to the final, it should be an instance where 2 very skilled teams, at the top of their field compete against each other.

Now imagine if in that final match one team forfeit before the match even started.

Would people not be disappointing by this? would people not think this is a boring series of events?

That is the principle of what was said, or at least that is how I have interpreted it, its a competitive thing, yet the competitive aspect has been removed and we dont even get to watch any decent fights before the inevitable conclusion that the staff member has yet again beat the players and it could be easily addressed as you pointed out there are other people with over 1 mil bp in this game, there are people that could put up a good fight against the likes of kagari, but that wont happen because the company would rather keep the game stale and * smoke up the *s of the 0.001% rather than promote a competitive atmosphere which would financially benefit them

"don't just focus on 1 or 2 ppl here"

again, wut? it isnt focusing on 1 or 2 people to mention the names of the 1-2 people who are always at the top of your cluster, we dont see other clusters, ofcourse there are other rich people, and the same will be true in other clusters, but you are saying that someones argument is moot because they cant name players who they have never seen they can only mentions names they know as examples?

This post was last edited by T.I.M. on 2020-09-26 22:30:11.
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On 2020-09-27 00:47:57Show this Author Only
  • T.I.M. On 2020-09-26 22:12:22
  • my guy, theres a lot to process in this thread, but what on earth are you trying to say?

    "but still proceed to say that Liz is strong af.... bruh she a whale too"

    .wut? I do not think you understood the post you are replying to .

    The argument stated was that the outcome of events being guaranteed before they even begin is boring because competition no longer exists, how do you think that saying someone is strong undo that argument? if anything it cements it, the remark was that Liz, who is also the 1%, also knows that the outcome is guaranteed so even someone as strong as her backs down and lets kagari stroll to victory without even trying. What should be a clash of titans, the richest people using the best teams money can buy facing off, what should be a spectacle is instead over before it even begins. I do not know what your understanding of the message was, but I agree that essentially rigged stuff is boring

    This is a weird example, but bear with me, it is the only universally understandable one I can concoct.

    Imagine the world cup, imagine if one team was guaranteed to win all their matches before they even knew who their opponents were.

    Imagine it gets to the final, it should be an instance where 2 very skilled teams, at the top of their field compete against each other.

    Now imagine if in that final match one team forfeit before the match even started.

    Would people not be disappointing by this? would people not think this is a boring series of events?

    That is the principle of what was said, or at least that is how I have interpreted it, its a competitive thing, yet the competitive aspect has been removed and we dont even get to watch any decent fights before the inevitable conclusion that the staff member has yet again beat the players and it could be easily addressed as you pointed out there are other people with over 1 mil bp in this game, there are people that could put up a good fight against the likes of kagari, but that wont happen because the company would rather keep the game stale and * smoke up the *s of the 0.001% rather than promote a competitive atmosphere which would financially benefit them

    "don't just focus on 1 or 2 ppl here"

    again, wut? it isnt focusing on 1 or 2 people to mention the names of the 1-2 people who are always at the top of your cluster, we dont see other clusters, ofcourse there are other rich people, and the same will be true in other clusters, but you are saying that someones argument is moot because they cant name players who they have never seen they can only mentions names they know as examples?

then i see its a Liz problem. she could've still gone along with the battle (even if she knew she was losing anw, since u said its boring if u immediately retreat). then take this for an example: Aika was against kagari in the semi-finals, he knew he was losing anyway but still went along with the fight, and if u did actually watch the battle kagari was using a quite f2p team (mei, chojuro BT andddd *forgot who else lol*) the outcome was clear anyways.... another example is kagari vs suN, (again outcome is clear) but suN still went along. + kaga used sakura cloak, naruto chinese and normal sasuke, so i dont see ur points of "best money team". the fight was fun to watch and all idk why get... + u cant stop them from spending lmao, basically every game goes boring when there r spenders there, but what can we do? almost everyone's a spender now... so just enjoy i guess?

This post was last edited by HatsuneMiku♡ on 2020-09-27 05:50:34.
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On 2020-09-27 02:05:09Show this Author Only
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On 2020-09-27 06:39:49Show this Author Only
  • HatsuneMiku♡ On 2020-09-27 00:47:57
  • then i see its a Liz problem. she could've still gone along with the battle (even if she knew she was losing anw, since u said its boring if u immediately retreat). then take this for an example: Aika was against kagari in the semi-finals, he knew he was losing anyway but still went along with the fight, and if u did actually watch the battle kagari was using a quite f2p team (mei, chojuro BT andddd *forgot who else lol*) the outcome was clear anyways.... another example is kagari vs suN, (again outcome is clear) but suN still went along. + kaga used sakura cloak, naruto chinese and normal sasuke, so i dont see ur points of "best money team". the fight was fun to watch and all idk why get... + u cant stop them from spending lmao, basically every game goes boring when there r spenders there, but what can we do? almost everyone's a spender now... so just enjoy i guess?

im not in your cluster, I couldnt see those fights even if I wanted to see a staff member walk to victory I only knew those names from others posts and some less than flattering opinions that pop up time to time, I was just trying to elaborate because I think you misinterpreted the message so I tried to put things into my words.

Also, personally I dont care that people spend, that is their choice to make I would not stop them even if I somehow had the power to do so, I only voiced in because it sounded the same as my space time experience, in the entirety of a season there are maybe 3 fights, the rest of them just time out because people dont even bother to show up anymore.

I still think its valid that this balance could easily be addressed, its an mmo, its supposed to be a big community, and everything is cross server these days, so why not cross-cluster space time? it wont kill the richest people around to lose 1 season of space time now and then but it would make things interesting, both for those whales because they would get honest to god fights, we would get to see the characters that most of us will never have access to put to the test in an actual competition and it would be interesting for the betting system and for us to watch. If regular people like you and I have to face ultra whales from different clusters in arena or bonds why not pit them against in each other in the occasional space time?

This post was last edited by T.I.M. on 2020-09-27 06:42:57.
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On 2020-09-27 06:50:45Show this Author Only
  • brensonlee On 2020-09-08 10:50:43
  • I see you understand the rock, paper, scissor *ogy.

    Yes, she can be controlled.

    Yes, there are counters to that counter.

It is perfectly valid to admit that you dont have the answers you know.

You were the one that made a claim, you said you can make kushi disappear for the entire fight, and then when asked how you accomplish the thing you are passing of as an argument you have no way to back it up so you resort to brushing it off with a condescending message? that's not cool. i am sure plenty of people here would love to know what team you use to make kushi "disappear for the entire fight". Maybe then we could finally be free of the slowest and easily worst meta we have ever had

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On 2020-09-27 10:00:52Show this Author Only
  • T.I.M. On 2020-09-27 06:39:49
  • im not in your cluster, I couldnt see those fights even if I wanted to see a staff member walk to victory I only knew those names from others posts and some less than flattering opinions that pop up time to time, I was just trying to elaborate because I think you misinterpreted the message so I tried to put things into my words.

    Also, personally I dont care that people spend, that is their choice to make I would not stop them even if I somehow had the power to do so, I only voiced in because it sounded the same as my space time experience, in the entirety of a season there are maybe 3 fights, the rest of them just time out because people dont even bother to show up anymore.

    I still think its valid that this balance could easily be addressed, its an mmo, its supposed to be a big community, and everything is cross server these days, so why not cross-cluster space time? it wont kill the richest people around to lose 1 season of space time now and then but it would make things interesting, both for those whales because they would get honest to god fights, we would get to see the characters that most of us will never have access to put to the test in an actual competition and it would be interesting for the betting system and for us to watch. If regular people like you and I have to face ultra whales from different clusters in arena or bonds why not pit them against in each other in the occasional space time?

well ye what u said now kinda different. its about the matching system since apparently i see lots of 500k getting matched with 1mils like that 1st round and i honestly feel bad for them but what can i do? matchings r totally random and by lvl (lmao) they need to change the system to matching by POWER so that most fights go on equal terms, atleast in the beginning to midway...but u see, putting 1 mils against each other from the start also wouldn't be good too since one of them would be eliminated way too soon... i dont think there's rlly a fixed solution for this...wouldn't wanna face them either but there's a time when u gotta give in to fate. (btw sorry thought u were same server cz u seemed to be so filled in xD)

This post was last edited by HatsuneMiku♡ on 2020-09-27 11:52:20.
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On 2020-09-28 19:55:17Show this Author Only
  • MrBungle On 2020-09-27 06:50:45
  • It is perfectly valid to admit that you dont have the answers you know.

    You were the one that made a claim, you said you can make kushi disappear for the entire fight, and then when asked how you accomplish the thing you are passing of as an argument you have no way to back it up so you resort to brushing it off with a condescending message? that's not cool. i am sure plenty of people here would love to know what team you use to make kushi "disappear for the entire fight". Maybe then we could finally be free of the slowest and easily worst meta we have ever had

I've had visibility to rank #50-#100 in LA spacetime for months and months. I've only seen ~5 Kushina P1 teams that are actually good out of those 50 ranks. The rest are Naruto Ronin, Edo Minato, Kakuzu, Kimi/3rd, 10Tail Madara, etc. Kushina has been in Naruto Ramen for +2 years or something close, so why don't we see more of these Kushina teams that are completely invincible? Do you really expect someone to tell you how they are beating a meta team? Figure it out on your own.

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On 2020-09-29 08:12:23Show this Author Only
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Yep that was the original question to see if there is any variety out there to the teams that people make. So all ninjas, 5*, all BT.

Quicky Post

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