Last week complained about the missing bt of madara and made a post asking for upgraded plates's packs, you've added both so thank you for showing that you listen sometimes to what players say in here :)
Might have been a coincidence since people have been asking ever since the BT got introduced in China....
Use proper english sasuke's lover
Careful now. He will DM in portuguese and insult you like he did to me....
a non native english speaker using broken english while trying to talk in an english language forum , the sheer audacity, he tries to speak a second tongue!?he dares to try and speak our language instead of using his own and expecting us to translate as others do!? what a piece of * right? (!)
oh wait, its you the hyprocrite and danzo, the guy whose head is so far up oasis ass they could use his hair to floss, you guys are the only * here
I have no problem with non native english speakers speaking here but they are expected to speak in English as the majority on this forum speak english. What I don't agree is that he got defensive when people call him out on his behaviour and his love for sasuke? Don't bud into conversations especially when you make *ternative account just for the purpose.
Actually he speaks spanish , which is sorta similar to portuguese sometimes... had to make that clarification... he's not one of us (portuguese that is) ... thank flip for that lol
I figured it would be either portuguese or spanish but Google detected portuguese. However, I wouldn't had to guess if he had to DM me just to insult me....
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