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[ Ninja Exam ] Exam 95 - Anyone beat it?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-10 03:35:37Show this Author Only
Faliure at 95:
Sigh... after trying out the above mentioned formation.. There are a few things I'd like to mention.. Tried at 26.5k power, with konkuro (not gnw).
First of all, this exam is too much rng based.. and refinement plays a huge part. without high level refinement, odds are even more against you.
Ok, now here's what happened when I tried it:

Round 1:A perfect run where hinata dodges every one's attack and takes no dmg, is very rare. Over the 100+ runs I did, this happened only twice. So, instead choose a run where she takes minimum dmg. Kakashi takes 2 turns and his clone makes one, so hinata needs to dodge 6 standard.

Round 2: This part can be tricky. Among guy/kakashi/asuma, any two of them will use mystery. Most of the time it's either kakashi-guy or guy asuma. You c*e tobi mystery on kakashi, only to see guy/asuma using mystery. Assume it's kakashi-guy, and you use tobi on kakashi for acupnture and seal guy. Then comes a fatal error in this setup. Asuma will use standard on tobi, it may/may not do combo, but will leave tobi near death state.
To 'counter' this, used tobi on kakashi first and then used seal on asuma. Then wait for an rng where tobi would dodge guy's kick (its not hard, happenes quite often).

Round 3: C*e konkuro mystery on asuma, but it doesn't kills him(bacause it doesn't combo, konkuro mystery does HF which none can chase). Tobi was at very low health from previous round, so asuma can easily kill him and then goes on a killing spree, thanks to bloodthirsty passive, killing tobi, konkuro and maybe your main too if you are unlucky. if you sealed asuma in previous round, then he won't kill tobi in this round. But due to konkuro's skill being tai, it awakens kurenai. Now again wait for rng, where guy doesn't kill your main(he has bloodthirsty passive, so high chance one of his standard will combo on your main). Hinata being alive by the end of this round is pretty hard too.

Thats all. There are too many rng involved here, any one of them can screw the entire setup. A perfect run where none of this happens is very hard to get. :L
So for now, I'll have to wait for more powers and maybe gnw konkuro.

This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-10-10 03:38
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-10 03:39:59Show this Author Only
  • Sourav On 2016-10-10 03:35:37
  • Faliure at 95:
    Sigh... after trying out the above mentioned formation.. There are a few things I'd like to mention.. Tried at 26.5k power, with konkuro (not gnw).
    First of all, this exam is too much rng based.. and refinement plays a huge part. without high level refinement, odds are even more against you.
    Ok, now here's what happened when I tried it:

    Round 1:A perfect run where hinata dodges every one's attack and takes no dmg, is very rare. Over the 100+ runs I did, this happened only twice. So, instead choose a run where she takes minimum dmg. Kakashi takes 2 turns and his clone makes one, so hinata needs to dodge 6 standard.

    Round 2: This part can be tricky. Among guy/kakashi/asuma, any two of them will use mystery. Most of the time it's either kakashi-guy or guy asuma. You c*e tobi mystery on kakashi, only to see guy/asuma using mystery. Assume it's kakashi-guy, and you use tobi on kakashi for acupnture and seal guy. Then comes a fatal error in this setup. Asuma will use standard on tobi, it may/may not do combo, but will leave tobi near death state.
    To 'counter' this, used tobi on kakashi first and then used seal on asuma. Then wait for an rng where tobi would dodge guy's kick (its not hard, happenes quite often).

    Round 3: C*e konkuro mystery on asuma, but it doesn't kills him(bacause it doesn't combo, konkuro mystery does HF which none can chase). Tobi was at very low health from previous round, so asuma can easily kill him and then goes on a killing spree, thanks to bloodthirsty passive, killing tobi, konkuro and maybe your main too if you are unlucky. if you sealed asuma in previous round, then he won't kill tobi in this round. But due to konkuro's skill being tai, it awakens kurenai. Now again wait for rng, where guy doesn't kill your main(he has bloodthirsty passive, so high chance one of his standard will combo on your main). Hinata being alive by the end of this round is pretty hard too.

    Thats all. There are too many rng involved here, any one of them can screw the entire setup. A perfect run where none of this happens is very hard to get. :L
    So for now, I'll have to wait for more powers and maybe gnw konkuro.

    This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-10-10 03:38
kakashi and asume will NEVER go together if you use skill que first, as guy will ALWAYS try to interupt you.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-10 04:23:39Show this Author Only
This is giving me cancer.
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On 2016-10-10 04:26:29Show this Author Only
  • Fooshy On 2016-10-10 04:23:39
  • This is giving me cancer.
It' took me alot of tries to beat it but I won't share the team since you might not have a single one of the ninjas I used to beat it
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On 2016-10-10 04:28:40Show this Author Only
  • Shisui26 On 2016-10-10 04:26:29
  • It' took me alot of tries to beat it but I won't share the team since you might not have a single one of the ninjas I used to beat it
Yeah i don't have any Pains.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-11 06:05:33Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-09 20:21:48
  • Fire MC

    x x hinata
    x main clone
    gnw kankuro x tobi

    talents 33321 pet kyosho

    tactic -
    1 round hinata mystery
    2 round at start tobi mystery on kakashi, main mystery on guy.
    3 round kankuro mystery on Asuma
    4 round tobi kill weakest (kakashi or asuma)

    have 25800 power at this moment

    if hinata not blocked at 1 round all attacks - retreat (if she have more than 9k hp so you can try)

Can you please try it again and let me know what happens?
There are so many rng involved here, it's beyond ridiculous...
First of all, hinata evading all standard in first round, that almost never happens - maybe once every 100 time.
2nd round, goes well. can stop both kakashi and guy... asuma leaves your tobi below 50% health.
3rd round: you have to kill asuma here using konkuro's mystry. if not, then it's most likely game over. But, his mystery will wake up kurenai. Now, kurenai/guy must not combo on your main, or it's game over. Also, all this time hope that kakashi doesn't combo, kill hinata(which is increasingly difficult since she didn't start 2nd round with full health:dizzy:)
4th round: Target kakashi with tobi, should be able to kill, so far so good. But if tobi doesn't kill kurenai with his standard, it's game over. Main will waste his sleep on kurenai, may/maynot killing her. Then comes bloodthirsty guy. He will kill your barely surviving main, barely surviving tobi twice, destroy konkuro's puppet, then maybe kill konkuro too, if it combo..

How did you get past all these?
Btw, deer summon doesn't work here. Cause main skill 33321 - deer doesn't combo anyway with konkuro's mystery, and it won't kill asuma.
To rectify this, have to use main skill - 33221 with ninja dog shiba summon..
Even then, crap continues to happen. By now, I have lost count how many times I tried this at 26k power.
Ninja setup was same, hinata, tobi, gnw konkuro.Most challenging here is their passives. Asuma takes single turn each round, but have bloodthirsty and can contunue killing through your low health ninja's. Kakashi dont have bloodthirsty but have 'ninja sword' passive, take 2 turns each round. Guy have both 'ninja sword' and 'bloodthirsty' passive, and will most likely be your despair when you are almost close to finishing it.:Q

Any further help or step by step explanation would be most appreciated.
This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-10-11 06:21
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-11 07:00:52Show this Author Only
95 is watermain naruto kabuto hinata. 96-99 is sasuke karin naruto watermain. dont even need to upgrade them a lot just enough to lay down the dot and not die
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