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[ Events ] Event Cycle 13th Augus


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  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2020-08-12 20:46:58Show All Posts
7# They are already complaining to you in FB and i hope more players complain in the forum as well.

It's a mistake to don't add fuku rebate into this week because next week there will be nothing worth of spending, just great plates maybe.
You could add fuku and make it two weeks long like the previous one, I really don't understand why adding konoha tree after two weeks (when is usually divided in 3 week waits) but you don't add fuku along with it. It's okay to make mistakes but you NEVER make any of yours right, please listen for freaking once.

By the way, Shisui Kimono BT? Hidan bond skill? Sasuke susano bond skill? Madara great war bt? Kisame Shark BT? When? You're releasing content that was implemented AFTER these things and yet you don't deliver those other stuff when you're perfectly able of doing it. Nobody asks you to update everything at once but at least ONE each week or couple weeks should be done.

  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2020-08-12 21:18:46Show All Posts
  • bobsalot On 2020-08-12 21:07:40
  • Hasn't fuku always been after Froggy? So much rage lel

Alright now I ask you: Is there a problem releasing frog and fuku at the same time? We've had several fuku rebates lasting two weeks, for example the previous one.

Konoha tree is also always been inside fukurokumaru week and I don't see you complaining about that.
Did you even stop a second to think about next week's event rotation? Can you tell me what will the players spend their coupons in if konoha tree, missions and sage treasure won't be inside that week? We're only going to have great plates and maybe lucky wheels, not really the best options to spend big amounts of coupons if what you're looking for is power, for example.

When the game doesn't progress and nothing changes at all we have to thank players like you, that instead of looking around and seeing that many players got a point you just go against the current just because. Ty for making the work extra hard for us mate, then when actually achieve something good for the community come to benefit from it. Sigh.

Quicky Post

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