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[ Bugs ] Sage of battlefield


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On 2020-08-07 04:10:48Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi well I can't do sage of battlefield
Captura de Ecrã (224)

It shows like that I tried to log in again, clear cache, uninstall and install again but nothing work. It's been like this since last week

Platform : Mini client 2.3.0
Server number : 1472 Dragon Cat
Character name : Aiden
UID : 300051336566018

Operating system : Windows 10
Screen resolution : 1366 x 768
Your computer time zone and your country : 21:08 Angola
Are you using VPN ? : No

  • Registered: 2020-08-07
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On 2020-08-07 04:17:39Show this Author Only

Same here

Captura de Ecrã (223)

Platform : Mini client 2.3.0

Server number : 1472 Dragon Cat

Character name : Aizen

UID : 300028101377519

Operating system : Windows 10

Screen resolution : 1366 x 768

Your computer time zone and your country : 21:17 Angola

Are you using VPN ? : No

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On 2020-08-07 06:23:50Show this Author Only

Your picture isn't completely clear as to what is wrong. Are you just missing the interface to the right that shows names you can click? Are you completely incapable of interacting with other players? The screen looks fairly normal for first loading into the event. Can you further explain the problem?"
Thank you!

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On 2020-08-07 06:44:50Show this Author Only
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2020-08-07 06:23:50
  • Hello,
    Your picture isn't completely clear as to what is wrong. Are you just missing the interface to the right that shows names you can click? Are you completely incapable of interacting with other players? The screen looks fairly normal for first loading into the event. Can you further explain the problem?"
    Thank you!

It seems like it's loading but it's not, it's stuck I can't fight there even if I click on the others players it doesn't work. When I try to get out of the event it doesn't load. When I refresh the page and go again to the event again it doesn't work. It just stuck like it shows in the pic

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On 2020-08-07 14:30:32Show this Author Only
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On 2020-08-08 05:02:25Show this Author Only

OK, I will look into this problem for you. In the meantime, the most likely issue is that it is on your end, since no one else has reported a similar problem. I notice that both you and the other person that reported the problem (your friend?) are from the same country/region. Are you possibly friends or related? Are you using the same internet connection? If so, that would make it even more likely that this is a connection issue. The best immediate fix would be to try using a VPN to play.
Also, do you have this problem in any other events?

EDIT: Also, are you capable of BEING attacked during the event?
EDIT: And what screen are you in when 7:40 server time hits?

This post was last edited by Tachibana Saeko on 2020-08-08 06:02:02.
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On 2020-08-08 13:12:55Show this Author Only

Similar issue with SWB happened to me few days ago and i reported it via tiCket system. Upon entering the swb all players were friendly (white names) and i couldnt attack anyone. But my list of players per respective cave/battlefield was loaded with names. I am from server S1516. And for me to fix this issue it was enough to refresh the game and rejoin the SWB.

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On 2020-08-09 04:58:19Show this Author Only
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2020-08-08 05:02:25
  • OK, I will look into this problem for you. In the meantime, the most likely issue is that it is on your end, since no one else has reported a similar problem. I notice that both you and the other person that reported the problem (your friend?) are from the same country/region. Are you possibly friends or related? Are you using the same internet connection? If so, that would make it even more likely that this is a connection issue. The best immediate fix would be to try using a VPN to play.
    Also, do you have this problem in any other events?

    EDIT: Also, are you capable of BEING attacked during the event?
    EDIT: And what screen are you in when 7:40 server time hits?

Thanks. Yeah we're related she's my little sister and use the same internet connection but it's a connection issue because we're able to do well the others events. About being attack, sometimes I am being attack but I don't see the battle it just shows me 50 points in the end of the events. Now about the time I don't know if it's am or pm but if it's 7:40 pm... (before starting the event) it says connecting to cross server platform after that it just get stucked.

Which region should I use in VPN?

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On 2020-08-09 08:45:30Show this Author Only

Yes, as MocnaPest said, most people can resolve your issue by simply refreshing, which is why I think your issue is a bad connection. I haven't found any record of a persistent problem.

7:40 would, of course, be PM. That would be when Sage World Battlefield starts. 19:40 server time. The point at which you get pulled into Sage World Battlefield. Exactly what are you doing in game at this time?

As for the VPN, try a multitude of other regions except India and see which works best.

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On 2020-08-09 09:03:45Show this Author Only

Hmm I see.

Well nothing I just wait for the event to start

About the VPN, how can I use it?

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On 2020-09-12 20:18:26Show this Author Only
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