If you need help how to beat some of new Ninja exams, you can find multiple strategies on official Huoying CN naruto online page.
Just choose number and click on one of the blue url li
Have fun!!
Pictures not helpful enough =(
Maybe someone can translate lineup for 420 exam
打的真难 结合论坛小伙伴 版主建议刷俩小时...... 没战力只能刷脸了
雷主 24113
鸣吗血最少 带回蓝 光头血最多 角度带复活 带阎王
角度奥义鸣吗结束 鸣吗奥义浪鸣 必须直接秒 不然刷新 鼬开结界 接着秃头奥义二代 二代伤害刘辟
第二回合 角度必须活着 止水奥义角度 鸣吗奥义二代 带走下路4兄弟 秃头奥义中路泉奈 或者雷主奥义人偶回血
第三回合 鸣吗奥义止水 带走止水
第四回合 关键秃头奥义下路四兄弟 鸣吗奥义君麻吕 带走君麻吕
第五回合 四兄弟复活鸣吗奥义就完了 中路上毒弄死
第一回合 鸣吗奥义八尾 雷主看着奥义回血
第二回合 秃头奥义鸣人 鸣吗奥义鸣人
第三回合 鸣吗奥义水影
第四回合 鸣吗奥义上路
第五回合 继续上毒 剩下人偶 角度普工足以带走
Just watch this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my_14Rb2U4A
Iam 610k power and it took me OVER 200 tries to get perfect RNG like that guy on youtube.
hey i got a question for ninja exams !!
our merged servers has a lot of servers which they all start at different dates.
now i just wanna a simple answer if there is one,
like the above example i ranked 16 server day 978 for exam lvl 360.
how is that server day ranking calculated, from each own server's date or a set date for all the merged servers ?
It's how old is the server (how many days ago it was opened) and at which day of the server it was beaten.
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