Sasuke Rinnegan, Minato Edo, Ten tails Madara and other god tier or Rare ninja have a breakthrough. Why Naruto Six Path haven't a breakthrough? Others say it's op or good enough but like sasuke rinnegan and minato edo is op too without breakthrough(low or high bt). It's time to have Naruto Six Path a breakthrough. And he is a main character in here, It's unfair I guest he haven't a breakthrough. Peace.
thanks for the same, wonderful artilcle indeed independence day amazon mobile offers 2020
Can any adm give his opinion about this?
Can any adm give his opinion about this?
Just to provide you an answer to your inquiry. We Moderators and other staff of Naruto Online don't have any idea about what is about to released or what is about to get changed. We mainly rely on our higher-ups for the information whereas we aren't getting it also in advance unless it will be released on the actual day or the day before the actual day. Now for the things like creating a Ninja or giving a Ninja a Skill Breakthrough, we aren't the one who deciding or making it but our mother or main version, Tencent's Naruto Online CN. Thank you.
Just to provide you an answer to your inquiry. We Moderators and other staff of Naruto Online don't have any idea about what is about to released or what is about to get changed. We mainly rely on our higher-ups for the information whereas we aren't getting it also in advance unless it will be released on the actual day or the day before the actual day. Now for the things like creating a Ninja or giving a Ninja a Skill Breakthrough, we aren't the one who deciding or making it but our mother or main version, Tencent's Naruto Online CN. Thank you.
Thanks for the clarifications, continued good work
u know what now other ninjas came that are overpowered than 6p naruto if you dont know Its Jiraiya
that doesn't mean making him more op than the already way OP ninjas and heavily damage game balance......we want to fix it not make it worse, and it is still one of the best 10-15 in game ninjas,doesn't have to be number 1, it's one of the few almost perfect ninjas anyway, but like that it will be like an auction....once a character loses the "best" title it's owners will be annoyed and demand a buff to their ninja or naruto 6p/whichever ninja is it be nerfed :(............ ofcourse also the ninjas that became more OP need to be balanced either by being nerfed (I don't support this solution) or simply buff all of the others to come closer even if slightly. nice to see you again bro ^_^
edit: please note that i am not against his BT at all......actually i wish to wake up tomorrow and find out that all ninjas got decent BTs lol, just saying there are more units that need BTs first, cus still naruto 6p can still standalone (generally OP)........ have a nice day :)
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