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[ Events ] Event Cycle 6th August


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  • Registered: 2017-11-06
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On 2020-08-05 23:45:50Show All Posts
  • Izor On 2020-08-05 21:00:17
  • idk why some are complainig this is amazing week. ty oasis

Why do you ask?

Well, the last few months Oasis only asked for money. The updates we should have received, didn't arrive or only came partially.

They obviously don't care about the majority of the players and do things in such a manner where only the Top Mega Whales will benefit, which the company shouldnt do.

They would make so much more money if they cared about all the players. Throwing a Free Edo Roshi when he is outdated or a Free ninja who clearly doesnt matter, but charging the community thousands of dollars every week under the pretext that "one chooses to spend" is complete BS. They induced this type of mechanism where if you don't spend quite a lot( in this times of need), you can't do well, not saying be among the best based on skill or abilities. No, one only needs OP ninjas, a wallet full of cash so he can buy a lot of power and that's it. So, is it still worth it to have 50% of the events only about recharging and the other events be so pricey or nothing valuable to the player? I guess what was once fun became a game where clearly money gives you God privileges. I can't wait the day when F2P players actually understand that however and not matter how much they struggle, there is that paywall one can't cross. The day when the only left would be the whales bullying each other. So yeah, this week, like most before it, is a complete garbage and an insult to players. Not to say, the addition of NE and the new equipment upgrade is utterly BS. I can't believe even 10% of the players are done with 380, because even for those NE, one needs a lot. Continue to cater to the ultra whales and make this game even more unplayable and boring.

Quicky Post

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