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[ Player Guide ] Treasure advice


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  • Registered: 2020-01-31
  • Topics: 5
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On 2020-07-29 03:34:49Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello all,

I used to play on a server back in the day for about a year (~3 years ago) and I just started on a new server. It used to be the consensus to save all seal scrolls until the GNW treasure and dump all your seals into it. It this still the case? I see some posts saying to pull from the kage treasure and some say GNW so I am just trying to get a feel for which one people think is better.


  • Registered: 2020-01-31
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 14
On 2020-07-30 04:16:50Show All Posts
  • KonoKazuma On 2020-07-30 00:06:36
  • you could say the only ninjas from treasures who can be of use further in game are madara founder, hashirama (edo and regular) and itachi susanoo

    tendo treasure(regular hashirama) dont have rebate so i would leave it

    you could pool from five kage for itachi susanoo frags and ay 4th or sasuke susanoo

    second option is gnw treasure for edo hashirama frags and madara founder (very usefull) or naruto kurama (he is ok)

    third is if you like some edo jinchu then save 220 seals and get it

    I would go with option 2, anyway pull only on rebate and do the 200 or 300 (if you have the patience to save the seals) rebate

Thanks for the input! That's honestly what I was thinking is to just pull from GNW still since there are still a lot of good toons in there that I c*e.

Quicky Post

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