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F2p ninjas without mystery cause.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-22 23:04:21Show All Posts

Eh that's normal, ninjas who can go turn 1 and especially ones that are prompt shouldn't be able to combo. That's how all mains/ninjas work, some can get combo on skill breaks but then they get 1 turn cooldown at start.

Only issue with his mystery is the damage is very low, compared to like gnw 1010 or hiruzen or kimi, oro does half.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-27 06:45:09Show All Posts
  • Yell0w FlasH On 2020-07-24 00:39:48
  • Mate if his mystery is prompt then it should be able to do some cause for example (knockdown or repulse) theres no point not to. It just ruins the ninja completely.

Why should he though, name one ninja who can do prompt mystery with 0 cooldown that can start combo.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-27 07:00:27Show All Posts
  • Anbu Ninja On 2020-07-24 04:52:38
  • agree with you bro. their skills aren't much already, so no any good additional statuses/even if a minor debuff and jokes BTs like some BTs literally change nothing , then why bother make it +1 or +2, at least their BTs shall fix this issue, not disappointing like Ukon-Sakon lol, also BT rate is so the game is called naruto online ....kankuro, sasuke etc.... have full BTs and skill trials* while naruto himself the game mascot and anime hero has just 3 skills?! and their effects are lame lol.....afraid of naruto being good and useful f2p tank ninja or what?!....if so its better to name the game into kankuro online haha. the meta ninja are way overpowered already so it won't have much of an effect on game balance like sasuke......cus at the end of the day Battle power (outside a certain range) mainly determines who will it will be nice if the ninjas get their skills (all of them) BT (including skill trial, it's enough that protection vials aren't sold except for coupons), improving them, as well as game that all people will be satisfied, even whales cus they will still win and victories will be somewhat meaningful not mostly shallow....

Naruto is probably worst example you could have picked, literaly all 3 of his versions used to be the best ninja when he came out, he isn't anymore because new ninjas will always be better then old but saying he is weak is wrong, he is old and outdated, he wasn't weak when he was new.

Sage Naruto was op, Fire main/Naruto/Bee/Hashi or Wind main/Naruto/Gakido/Gaara used to be the best teams that used to win almost everything else.
Kurama Naruto was even better, Earth main/Naruto/Roshi/Bee was the most dominant team when those ninjas where new, every space time was mirror those and in bond all whales used that first few seasons.
Six path naruto, idk if you are new player or you forgot, but no other ninja made as many people quit as he did. He was everywhere like coronavirus, sage top 3 always 6 path users, bond always faster 6 path wins, gnw 3 six path vs 3 six path, forum was full of people crying how he is broken.

But ninjas cannot be the best forever, otherwise why would anyone bother buying new ninjas, so new ninjas came out that are better and this will always happen, that doesn't mean old ninjas are bad, they had their prime time.

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