Server ID S850 Anbu Scroll > UID 300016887689340 > IGN Tombolock > Photo Caption: Free N Ez NinshuCreed !!
HISTORY > S850 BLOODPACK was the first group I officially joined and stayed. It was still early server in S850. We were a crazy chaotic group XD. A family that enjoy battling each other, shafting each other and laughing at each other, well at least the core members. Our Leader was quite a talkative charismatic one leading from the front always, helpful and quite the mentor to many in the group (since he had played in previous server and I think in the china and germany version). Things were always rowdy yet everything always worked out somehow in the end. We work hard, we work smart too well, we tried XD. We faced off with the Akatsuki Group in the local server. After merge we fought heavily with S837 MISSINNIN lead by Jinga and S844 KINGSMAN by SMOKE eventually we solidify and consolidated the best in our group by that time our Leader had stepped down and pass the Leadership into my hands, I was also the top power player in my local server S850. The second merge occurred and again many left and the persistent fought, stayed and played. This time we face S853 KIZUNA lead by Natsu and this time MISSINGNIN joined us after which finally renamed to NINSHUCREED. We stay our ground against KIZUNA often taking 2nd place in gnw but remain fair relations until xgnw came into being. Soon after the third crazy merge came and once more even many more Higher power players were in the merge server. We called the third merge the crazy merge I lost count how many servers were merge and they meant nothing to me by then. We consolidated again and KIZUNA joined us. At this point I was close to having a personal life crisis in my life and so I stood down from Leadership passing it to Natsu who remains the current Leader of NINSHUCREED to this day. With Natsu at the lead, group consolidated again and we took some in from BLOODLUST but the amazing crazy battle between the mega whales of BLOODLUST Kafk/Tony/Mini and MightyNathan's coalition almost crash the merged server. And yet still the Group that were our biggest opponent was a different one > BROTHERHOOD lead by erm QV and many others idk who is their real Leader LOL! They were a super duper mega group made out of many many many (erm i think i need to add one more many) old servers, (that's all I know and so I can only imagine the politics and group chat there must be crazy) XD. Anyways Natsu is a power focus Leader whose battle power was forecast to be rising a ton which is partly why I left him leadership since I'm too weak to talk sense to the big boys and girls and we now have the Mighty-Natsu-Orz trio the top three in our merge server woohoo! Some people left some people still joining our group, I also almost got sick and busy again and had yet another life crisis overcame before I am back. Our Group still not that big since people are always coming and going and well politics kept shifting and some others just wanted seal scroll so they left to other Mid size Groups. BROTHERHOOD still our biggest opponent with a ton more people and our XGNW NEMESIS !! That concludes the NINSHUCREED history and rivals because rivals are important they make us strong
. As for this group picture, this is all I can muster from a 10 mins interval between today's xgnw XD there is no theme and Natsu and Orz are too busy minding their own business while DrunkenPro the other very vocal helpful Senior is celebrating his Birthday in RL so.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRUNK XD
(PS: Idk why they like to use Kyushoku Deer summoning so much XD)
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