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Bonds forged through the Years - Celebrating Naruto Online EN's 4th Anniversary


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 333
On 2020-07-20 16:54:56Show All Posts


Ingame name: ユジンタカラ

Server ID: 328

UID: 200000097379279

When I first joined Amegakure, I just thought of it as a big group having more upgraded features compared to my old one to power up more. But it's more than I could have imagine. As soon as I got accepted, I was filled with how nice of a group this is. Our group chat seems to never die. There's always a topic to talked about, either strategy share, anime talks or even real life problems. Our leader is one of the nicest leader I've ever met (no offense to other groups). He's very calm and friendly. Seems like he can control and solve every problem ever in game with the most optimistic way ever. His leadership skill is unquestionably verified to lead every group. Our senior was the one helping me with lineups, events and how to play the game probably. She has a really enthusiasm and fun personality. And she has an awesome talent in art as well. I'm still always impressed to check out her work. Everyone else is just as friendly and as nice, even the higher power players. No one looked down on anyone else, and tried to help as much as they can. The chance of us having an quarrel is like almost none, which really surprise me a lot. Usually it's me causing the argument because of my hot-headed temper.

For almost 2 years being with everyone in our group - in our home. I too have influenced a lot from their personality. I still have my bad habits and behaviors but I too have calmed more and been a lot more sociable compared to myself before. It's thanks to them that I'm myself now today.

Time has passed, our group's name has changed, a lot of people joining in, leaving the group as well as stopping the game because of in real life problems, which sadly includes our senior. But we still talk to each other, we still have our own group chat to talk with, we still consider ourselves... friends.

Quicky Post

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