Okay i really need some answers and im sure eveyone will agree on this cause theres no point not to. Why are Sasukes and Itachis chases not irremovable ignition when you cant remove amaterasu, also why isnt rinne sasukes chase lightning and fire elemental damage when its literally blaze release? Instead we have 10 tails madara standard that does irremovable ignition when he isnt even using any sort of flame for his standard, also kimono shisui, hes also got irremovable ignition when theres no point of him having it when amaterasu users cant have one... I really want some sort of clarification for this one.
This is a an interesting question about how you balance a game. I would assume the debuffs, buffs and stats are put in *gorithm and they are checked out how they work.
If it comes too weak they put something on top, if it comes overpowered than they remove something.
Im just asking for them to atleast make Sasuke Rinne chase to be elemental damage cause it feels uselles having no elemental damage and no irremovable ignition... Even basic itachis amaterasu is Fire elemental. But yeah this game only needs rework to be perfect. It wont hurt anyone to change his chase to elemental or irremovable ignition or to put his mystery cause to low float.
I don't mean to offend anyone but is the author of the post a very dedicated Uchiha fan or smth? All posts are non-stop about "Fix this in Sasuke" "Fix that in Uchihas", come on, dude... not funny. Game mechanics won't change here if they won't change on Chinese servers. This is a game and not everything has to be as you would wish or see in anime. Over the week I see non stop words about how this is bad in Sasuke. Make him more often in events, change Sasukes mystery, changes Uchihas chase now. Sweet kami...
Ok first of all dont write i dont mean to offend anyone when u clearly want to offend me. Second of all im only speaking facts and u cant neglect that. Its not only about uchihas i can write about holes in this game for a whole day. Im just giving these minor mistakes that can be fixed whenever. Amaterasu without irremovable ignition is like Naruto not having clones in the game. Stop hunting all my posts and hating on every single one of it. Get your irrelevant ass outta here and cool your head outside
Kinda have to agree if they make game mechanics and ninjas exactly like they were in naruto, then regular naruto is supposed to be stronger to kakazu
Bruh exactly, but dont bother to explain it to this guy. His purpose in life is to hunt my posts and hate on them while saying ''i dont mean to offend anyone'' phahaha
I don't mean to offend anyone but is the author of the post a very dedicated Uchiha fan or smth? All posts are non-stop about "Fix this in Sasuke" "Fix that in Uchihas", come on, dude... not funny. Game mechanics won't change here if they won't change on Chinese servers. This is a game and not everything has to be as you would wish or see in anime. Over the week I see non stop words about how this is bad in Sasuke. Make him more often in events, change Sasukes mystery, changes Uchihas chase now. Sweet kami...
Also if you dont like what i write why even use your time to comment ? You are just pathetic and its so unreal... You clearly see in the topic what im writing about so dont even bother clicking on it, just move on.
I mean, the guy originally has a point. I really don't care what they do with this game as the Devs clearly don't give a * about it and just want the playerba
Thank god people like u still exist. You said everything right but the only guy bashing me here is this demalishor guy cause he had something against me from the start. He neglects pure facts its insane.
we have to remember it IS a NARUTO game, but unfortunately you, and many other in the community who have never watched a single arc of Naruto (part 1 or 2) view it as just another gacha game. I'm disappointed to say that the developers probably don't care too much about the naruto lore EITHER, so they put more effort in progressing the me
Exactly mate. But about irremovable ignition, i feel like they mentioned it milion times in the anime that amaterasu cant be removed so its like making naruto without clones in this game. Its so obvious that it should be reworked, if not that, atleast they can rework his chase to have atleast fire elemental damage cause its blaze release that only sasuke uses, its his signature release for christ sake. Its fire and lightning elemental damage so that should be really taken into consideration if not for the irremovable ignition.
Yes there are things that Oasis can control but some things like creating game content or skill changes has not. Talk to me when a ninja's skill is changed here before the China server - otherwise, it is wishing thinking. I mentioned prices and events because that's on a day-to-day basis. Deciding skillbreaks being released and new content/ninjas is a one type decision that carries on and isn't routine. Most players won't notice these decision as they could care less about following the China server. They only care about if they can make a good team or not and if ninja are given for free.
Also, if you and OP think an irremovable ignition (I think OP wants to have it permanent for the match rather than up to a certain round/charka) is a smart decision, i'm sorry but that isn't feasible as that is broken for a game. I mean if the game is really following the lore of an story, certain characters would be oneshot OP. I'm sure gaming companies won't allow this for obvious reasons as not everyone would have access to this character and it would break the gaming experience for all players by losing to the player who has the character.
I understand what u are saying but i still feel like having sasukes chase causing irremovable ignition wont change the game at all. It will just give him a little boost that he needs to be somewhat better than he is right now,for example 6p naruto has 25% leech for what reason when juubito has 10%, that just makes no sense. You need Sasukes skill trials to make him usable and still u need all the support ninjas for him to be usefull. That irremovable ignition wont change anything it will just be logically correct. He is so poorly made with a little effort that its pathetic almost. Its literally the strongest Sasuke character that we will ever get and i feel like they just threw any idea that came to their mind without even thinking.
Every time I see your posts and if one person doesn't like your posts, you get triggered. Don't you think it is exhausting to get worked up over something that is meaningless? Don't play the victim card as you lose credit-ability in your argument. Counter anyone who disagrees with you in a calm manner. Otherwise, you look like a fool who likes to throw tantrums.
Like what Demalishor said, game mechanics need to change on Chinese servers first before servers like ours get change. You should know by know that Oasis only licenses the game content from Tencent (China server and original server) so they c*e for servers that they operate. The only thing they are in charge is how events and prices are set up that we players notice on a day-to-day basis, which we in the community don't like how they are running.
Also, can we get a mod to close the post as soon as OP disagrees with what I said and insults me if he can't take my advice to heart?
I didn't talk badly about you in my post. Either you are under aged or I dunno. Very unstable or smth. Starts to instantly say bad things about me, haha. Relax please. No need for wars and conflicts. The whole point of a discussion is to hear both sides. I just think you should talk more about other ninjas rather than take up topics about zero problem Rinne Sasuke or amaterasu chase that nobody at all has problems with. But again, if you really want something to be redone or changed you should learn chinese and go on their Forums to suggest that since only they can change that.
Im probably older than u but aight. Your dense comments always get me hyped up. Firstly you always say the bad things first but you are too dense to notice that cause you cherish your own comments like diamonds and you think there are no mistakes. Secondly you didnt even give a single fair point, you just basically came here to trasnfer your frustration for the day, so yeah grow up and cool ur head outside.
Again back to balance - if they a status irremovable ignitiion it will brake the game or to balance it out they have to make it very weak. Both options won't be better than the current one. I actually use Rinne a lot and try to make the best out of his skill set. 7 or 8 out of 10 times I beat p1 Kakuzu teams. Kushina teams is the opposite. But what I like most is his Y+1 chase. When you scale it in round 2 or 3 it already does more damage than your mystery.
But mate 10 tails Madara does irremovable ignition with his standard attack, dont you think its a little bit too much even with BT's? Also skill trialed Shisui kimono does irremovable ignition with chase like wheres the logic there. All im saying is to rework some obvious mistakes, if these guys can have irremovable ignition for god sake sasuke and itachi should too...
he will probably figure it out soon enough... that games don't necessary follow exactly to canon naruto anime.
else you would argue why are there christmas characters in the game
many people has accept the games as tencent designed it.. well people come out with their own ninja kits all the time.
but really we got no say in changing a ninja skills or suggest it before tencent already solidify it into the game.
just gotta hold it to tencents that they meant to balance the mechanics out such a way it's playable.
I know what im talking about, having amaterasu irremovable ignition is not the same as releasing xmas ninjas or taisho ninjas... They simply have to release their own designed ninjas cause at certain point they cant make ninjas that didnt even appear in the anime. Thats the only reason why they release these ninjas for us to be satisfied until the next cannon ninjas releases. Cause at one point they wont even have no more cannon ninjas to release and what is left then? For all u guys saying it does not follow the anime. Why the heck is it called naruto online and have the same exact plot as the anime?
Jesus man, okay, okay. Carry on with your agenda to change Uchiha ninjas. Pretty sure you will get your result in the end. Best of luck. More posts pls.
Dude ill write about any other ninja if you are okay with it? Ive got plenty of ninjas in mind not just uchihas... At the end of the day i can write about what i want here why cant u just accept that?
i kinda agree with evrey one about this guy bec eh hates on minato and me
What are you saying mate? You never asked me for an advice dude. I never even replied to your posts... Stop making up things that never happened, u probably replaced me with some other guy. And yeah im not crying about Sasuke team im just stating pure facts that should be changed.
You actual did replied to his posts on why he is following the me
Well you are either a new players or someone who started playing back ago but left and have returned now, maybe because of lock down, guess you don,t have any job and after your online classes your start making posts here for attention or time pass. Things is that at time itachi susanoo and sasuke susanoo are very very old ninjas and at that time there was no concept of irremovable debuff, there were only 2 things debuff and immune to debuff. At that time there were very very few ninjas who were immune, itachi susanoo, killer bee and maybe one or 2 other. So there was no real need to to for a irremovable defuff concept. But these skills did had ignite for 3 rounds ( and there was no other character with ignite for 3 rounds, even still very few characters have 3 round ignite). Now thats the reason why this debuff wasn't actually irremovable from start. But now these days there are a ton of immune characters, like even some * characters are immune to debuff. So tencent started a new concept of irremovable debuff, which was given to shisui susanoo for first time on his mystery, then sasuke rinni also got it on standard and madara jinchu also have it on standard i guess ( and one or 2 more have it as well i guess). Now should amaterasu be irremovable? yes. But the only was this is gonna happen now is if they rework sasuke susanoo bt and give itachi susanoo bt. And I will love to see itachi get a bt, he deserves it. Also if you need "clarification" go and fill some support application, stop asking community for "clarification", we are not devs of this game.
Im playing the game for straight 3 and a half years. First of all your jokes are really bad, like no sense of humour at all. Second of all you have to buy new glasses cause u obviously just mention sasuke susanno instead of mentioning anything about sasuke rinnes blaze release and how i said it should be lightning and fire damage atleast. Third and the last thing... If they can change Sasukes explosive mode in china then im expecting they can make changes to his chase being irremovable ignition now cause its only natural you know for amaterasu to be irremovable. But instead we've got 10 tails madara with standard doing it. Get this in your head. THEY CAN MAKE CHANGES easily, theyve done plenty of them, so what makes u think they cant change sasukes and itachis chase to irremovable ignition?
Are you ret@rd kid? can you explain me a single point where i was trying to make a joke? like just go and learn the meaning of sense of humor first. Next let me tell you that there are players here who have played for 5+ years so you are not a veteran by being here for 3.5 years ago, you have no idea how things were so keep don't speak when i say about being an old player. Also dude you are saying about glasses for me, just get yourself one first, ( sry i guess you jobless crying baby can't afford those...) just go back to my reply and read care fully, I did not just pointed at sasuke susanoo, i mentioned itachi susanoo as well and expected you to understand itachi aswell ( itachi and itachi susanoo both have that skill, if you don't know). Now go and read last few lines as well again, where i said, yes it must be irremovable and i mentioned that it can happen if they rework sasuke bt ( if you noob don't have any knowledge of past then let me tell you bt have also been reworked in past like hashi edo bt was tr@sh even with bt for a very long time until he got a rework) and itachi susanoo and edo getting bt, but of course your did not saw that. I don't know wth made you think that i saying that itachi and sauke won't or should not get chase improved...maybe you should stop bunking your english classes rat . Also yeah it makes sense to ask for rinni sasuke chase to have fire attribute but WTH are you smoking that makes you think that it should have lightning attribute aswell??? Just "get this in your head". And of course another thing ignored, i mentioned irremovable debuff is a new ability you can't just expect them to start giving to every character all of sudden, that makes no sense. Yes there are characters who NEED it, and they will have to give it to those with time. And last of all get your self some social life you kid, stop coming up with useless posts every 2 or 3 days, if you want devs to make some change go to them and or tencent devs, fill some support application. Making a topic here doesn't helps fix anything, which clearly indicates that you are here just for attention. And READ everything clearly.
P.S. there was no joke here, you illiterate kid
Lmfao kid, calm ur *. Its okay we get it that ur parents left u and u are barking on everyone now. Jesus this amount of toxicity shouldnt even be allowed. Yeah you clearly wanted to make a joke but no one laughed. Sad and pathetic human being.
ow cool, so now you will make multiple account to defend yourself XDDD, you can't read what written well and now you are saying this when you can't even point any mistake in my sentence, seriously dude? also dumb fk when did you felt i was even trying to insult you, grow up rat !!!
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