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[ Help ] Why isnt amaterasu irremovable ignition?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-20 03:53:44Show All Posts

Every time I see your posts and if one person doesn't like your posts, you get triggered. Don't you think it is exhausting to get worked up over something that is meaningless? Don't play the victim card as you lose credit-ability in your argument. Counter anyone who disagrees with you in a calm manner. Otherwise, you look like a fool who likes to throw tantrums.

Like what Demalishor said, game mechanics need to change on Chinese servers first before servers like ours get change. You should know by know that Oasis only licenses the game content from Tencent (China server and original server) so they c*e for servers that they operate. The only thing they are in charge is how events and prices are set up that we players notice on a day-to-day basis, which we in the community don't like how they are running.

Also, can we get a mod to close the post as soon as OP disagrees with what I said and insults me if he can't take my advice to heart?

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2020-07-20 04:02:13.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-20 09:39:43Show All Posts
  • Adwarfare On 2020-07-20 09:04:31
  • I mean, the guy originally has a point. I really don't care what they do with this game as the Devs clearly don't give a * about it and just want the playerbase's money. He has a valid point as to how the amterasu should work as its a special type of ability. I see people bashing him for talking about uchiha's yet, sasuke (susanoo) still has a broken msytery that doesn't scale unless you skill break him (I've done the calculations for this). People saying that oasis or the devs only control pricing is just bull*. They clearly control more then that as they can choose to release what systems they want. They have changed completely how skill breaks work compared to china or taiwan, already disproving any arguments about them not having power. They also chose to change how certain mysteries work in terms of damage output as scaling. (Rinne sasuke) for example, isn't the same. People making up excuses for this company and or Dev team still should just shut up honestly. Brain dead and only blindly worshipping a company that just sees them as a wallet. Even with multiple other games that have an english counter part or chinese counter part. Both versions can and do have very different balance changes because they're allowed to do so.

Yes there are things that Oasis can control but some things like creating game content or skill changes has not. Talk to me when a ninja's skill is changed here before the China server - otherwise, it is wishing thinking. I mentioned prices and events because that's on a day-to-day basis. Deciding skillbreaks being released and new content/ninjas is a one type decision that carries on and isn't routine. Most players won't notice these decision as they could care less about following the China server. They only care about if they can make a good team or not and if ninja are given for free.

Also, if you and OP think an irremovable ignition (I think OP wants to have it permanent for the match rather than up to a certain round/charka) is a smart decision, i'm sorry but that isn't feasible as that is broken for a game. I mean if the game is really following the lore of an story, certain characters would be oneshot OP. I'm sure gaming companies won't allow this for obvious reasons as not everyone would have access to this character and it would break the gaming experience for all players by losing to the player who has the character.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-21 23:48:48Show All Posts
  • Yell0w FlasH On 2020-07-21 23:05:28
  • What are you saying mate? You never asked me for an advice dude. I never even replied to your posts... Stop making up things that never happened, u probably replaced me with some other guy. And yeah im not crying about Sasuke team im just stating pure facts that should be changed.

You actual did replied to his posts on why he is following the meta rather than giving him costs for meta (which is the topic of the post) so he is right about not giving advice. Don't play victim when you're caught doing something when someone points it out. Also, if you are going to say "wHY aRe yOU aTTackING Me", then maybe don't act the way you are for the past few weeks?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-24 02:41:08Show All Posts

Mods please close the post.

You are giving these type of people a platform to be toxic - we don't need this.

Quicky Post

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