Views: 5174 | Replies: 17
[ Events ] Poorest server s58 finally killed nine tails


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-24 05:12:55Show All Posts
  • まだまだ On 2016-09-24 04:38:59
  • S48 had like 8 bars left yesterday and I was 3rd as a purely f2p player lol. servers are just tooo dead
u say that like its a bad thing, less competition means u can get more rewards every day, i could be 80 by now if there werent so many people splitting 9tails exp on my server, plus all of the gnw packs i could get, the easier survivals from people who quit being on the list, ect.
Quicky Post

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