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[ Events ] 4th Year Anniversary - Shinobi Adventure Collage Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 18
  • Posts: 82
On 2020-07-18 06:13:41Show All Posts
  • YujinTakara On 2020-07-17 14:02:26
  • Ingame name: ユジンタカラ

    Server ID: 328

    UID: 200000097379279


    The journey has been quite long so far, and I never thought I would develop so much.

    As I started this game, the only thing in mind is trying to play the game because I'm a Naruto fan, and that's it. I followed the story-line, the systems, the lineup building but after awhile playing, it seems like the hype wasn't there anymore. I did manage to make two friends, but through time they stopped the game to continue their ways in their lives. Eventually, it was my turn to stopped as well.

    8 months later, somehow I found the game again, and started playing back, hoping it would be more fun and I could have some nice time here. I decided to come to a new Group and everything changed right after that. Everyone is very supportive and being really nice, At first I only thought that they were like that because I was the new recruit, but it was more. They helped me with the team building, with the events, how to save up and how to use them to have the most benefit. They are fond of taking group photos too. Just some screenshots with themed transformations. But after so long, I see that those photos have feelings, that we are together as a group, we are together as friends. We are not just a bunch of individuals sharing a base, we are like Jinchurikis, knowing and understanding each other. From time to time,the bond I have with my friends grows, and to now, I don't know if I can stop playing this game, not because I don't have anything to do in real life, not because I'm a lazy person who's addicted to gaming, but because I'm afraid I'll lose what's I've gotten throughout the time I came back - friendships, and memories.

    The achievements I've gained in this game is not just because of me, it's from everyone in my group. They taught me a lot. And with the most recent achievement of 500.000 power, it only shows how much influence they've made on me. The brain to make lineups for beating Ninja Exams, the Debuff testing board, as well as the Status list, oh and also top 4 in Space-time!! I don't know if I can do them without my friends' help from the start.

    "How does one preserve and treasure memories?" This question is easy and difficult to answer at the same time. But for me, I'll just enjoy all the moments I have, because those moments have gone beyond a game... they have become a memory.

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