Views: 15682 | Replies: 21
[ Bugs ] MIni client and chrome browser shows black screen


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On 2020-07-19 07:03:39Show All Posts

Hello, Blitz110, please start a new thread with your own screenshots of the issue so that we can address it separately, unless it is exactly the same.

If it IS exactly, the same, please follow the steps outlined here.

Hello, FrankTU, this is not a problem with Oasis's login servers. This is a common misconception/conspiracy theory. I've checked the connection for the server in question and it is working just fine, and we haven't had any other complaints about this server. It is far more likely that the individual in question has an error on their end, often with their flash player, their browser, or their miniclient (usually some form of corrupted file), Or their ISP is blocking a complete connection to the website (this is often regional), which is why a VPN is commonly recommended.


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