Hey Guys! Can you help me pick which one should i buy? Naruto 6P or Edo Tensei Minato or Rinnegan Sasuke. I don't know any me
Thanks for the information guys! I'll just buy Edo Tensei Minato but... does Edo Minato have skill trial? And im thinking killer bee and iruka and Wind main with Edo minato
Yes lol he has skill trials, they're very good. Have you somehow not seen them? Seems like almost everyone is using BT Edo Minato these days.
Once you get his BT I don't think wind main is the best option. Minato BT will refresh his own mystery cooldown and you don't need Wind main for that. I'd go like, Lightning main and use his Anbu Tactics boost, or Earth main for the shields.
ok! Maybe i'll just go for Earth Main! Thanks for the help! Also can you guys help me with some lineup with edo minato? is Killer Bee with Iruka a good Option? Because im thinking of using either Iruka or Asuma Wind Blade
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