Thank you for bringing up this matter to us. I know you already tried posting this request to Bugs and Support Section but that's the right section to post suggestions and requests. Anyway, rest assured that your suggestion is going to reach them as I will take it and include it in my report. Though the possibility of it isn't clear as daylight yet but we'll try to pu*. I hope you guys understand it and thank you.
I know its the right section to put it, but no one pays attention to buggs and support as much as general discussion unfortunately so i had to post it here so i got everyones attention. Its really not right to have basic protection vials for 40 cps each while we have all kinds of power items at groceries that are 10 times more valuable than the basic protect vials. Thank you for the reply and i hope we finally achieve what we wanted!
I know its the right section to put it, but no one pays attention to buggs and support as much as general discussion unfortunately so i had to post it here so i got everyones attention. Its really not right to have basic protection vials for 40 cps each while we have all kinds of power items at groceries that are 10 times more valuable than the basic protect vials. Thank you for the reply and i hope we finally achieve what we wanted!
What's the difference between needing others to look at it when a mod already said they would into it. If its a suggestion post, the only person you want to look at it would be a mod since they have power (of course I don't believe this) to send that info to the devs.
If people really wanted to, they could joined you and spam the right section for posts for vials instead of just spamming it in General discussion.
What's the difference between needing others to look at it when a mod already said they would into it. If its a suggestion post, the only person you want to look at it would be a mod since they have power (of course I don't believe this) to send that info to the devs.
If people really wanted to, they could joined you and spam the right section for posts for vials instead of just spamming it in General discussion.
The topic have more impact when a lot of people are seeing and posting about it, so he is right . If no one saw other sector of forum maybe the forum should update his interface ...
The topic have more impact when a lot of people are seeing and posting about it, so he is right . If no one saw other sector of forum maybe the forum should update his interface ...
You don't know if it has an impact though - you are assuming just because the amount of people want it. Impact happens when we get updates and that rarely happens with requests from players, no matter how ridiculous or reasonable it is.
I don't think its an interface issue more so an education issue. You still see this issue with lineup requests in this section - even though a "strategy" section makes more sense for it there rather than dumping it in the general discussion. People know these sections exist but would rather spam it here since general discussion gets random posts and by default becomes the largest area, which attracts more eyes.
If you want it to have it as a discussion so you can get other people's thoughts, maybe frame your post in that way, where you get opinions and make a suggestion post in the suggestion section.
What's the difference between needing others to look at it when a mod already said they would into it. If its a suggestion post, the only person you want to look at it would be a mod since they have power (of course I don't believe this) to send that info to the devs.
If people really wanted to, they could joined you and spam the right section for posts for vials instead of just spamming it in General discussion.
Dude you are irrelevant... stop hating on every post i make. Grow up kid jesus...
The topic have more impact when a lot of people are seeing and posting about it, so he is right . If no one saw other sector of forum maybe the forum should update his interface ...
Indeed mate. Its not the same when 30 people agree on 1 solution. Mods didnt even reply to my post on suggestions and bugs, so i made a post here and here you go, the mod replied...
You don't know if it has an impact though - you are assuming just because the amount of people want it. Impact happens when we get updates and that rarely happens with requests from players, no matter how ridiculous or reasonable it is.
I don't think its an interface issue more so an education issue. You still see this issue with lineup requests in this section - even though a "strategy" section makes more sense for it there rather than dumping it in the general discussion. People know these sections exist but would rather spam it here since general discussion gets random posts and by default becomes the largest area, which attracts more eyes.
If you want it to have it as a discussion so you can get other people's thoughts, maybe frame your post in that way, where you get opinions and make a suggestion post in the suggestion section.
Why didnt any mods reply to me on buggs and suggestions then? They wont reply if theres not enough attention to the post its simple... If they see alot of players agreeing on the same thing then they will contact the devs. If you could stop hating on my every post i would be thankfull.
Why didnt any mods reply to me on buggs and suggestions then? They wont reply if theres not enough attention to the post its simple... If they see alot of players agreeing on the same thing then they will contact the devs. If you could stop hating on my every post i would be thankfull.
You could have checked your other post just saying. Also, I'm not singling you out - you and along with others just happen to continue the pattern of a toxic/incorrect behaviour that exists on the forum.
You could have checked your other post just saying. Also, I'm not singling you out - you and along with others just happen to continue the pattern of a toxic/incorrect behaviour that exists on the forum.
Dude it had no views at all and the mod replied a whole day after so yeah i just posted it in general discussion cause its more popular there. You are the most toxic person here btw since i cant make a post here not expecting u to write something negattive. I bet u never agreed with someone when he stated pure facts. As i said real life Danzo.
You could have checked your other post just saying. Also, I'm not singling you out - you and along with others just happen to continue the pattern of a toxic/incorrect behaviour that exists on the forum.
You are literally denying all the guys that wrote +1 and agreed on this just so u can make this conversation negattive. No one argued before u came so ask yourself whos really toxic here...
You could have checked your other post just saying. Also, I'm not singling you out - you and along with others just happen to continue the pattern of a toxic/incorrect behaviour that exists on the forum.
Yea,dude,I saw OP post here and go check it on bugs section too.The post there got no attention.
It's time for me to close this thread as it is now going side-tracked from the original topic. Thank you.
Additional Note: I don't mean to side with someone but Danzo has a point about things here in forums. He is giving constructive criticism but I do understand that people might take it differently so, I'll close this thread now before it gets really out of hand.
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