As stated in title, anyone knows how or when does the purchase limit shop reset? I asked customer support, but their reply didn't help in the least.
Thanks in advance!
yes, but the problem is that it doesn't reset daily. i'm not sure if you understood my problem. Would you think i would be able to buy 5000 keys everyday and still come to the forums to whine about the limit? Look, i'll even throw in a fresh SS from today (30/6/20)
Buffaloh, your screenshots don't have a time stamp, so it's hard to tell whether or not you crossed the threshold for reset. Reset on the daily shop should occur at 5am. Hope that helps. Thanks!
Hi there! below is a fresh screenshot from a couple of minutes ago. I'm not sure if your system has the ability to check, but i have not purchased a single Bag of fresh fish. Bought a couple of Sakura's Foodsack, but definitely not 480 packs this week. As you can see, even the great key has yet to reset.
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