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[ Events ] Events - Sep 22nd


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On 2016-09-23 14:49:24Show this Author Only
  • TimelessHonor On 2016-09-22 22:31:40
  • yea was hoping for some more activity events. I'm pay to play and the only one I'm interested in is the puzzle event. Really hoping for a shop update in the near future...:o
You would be excited like me if you were buying jonin now, Theres a discount on it :D
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On 2016-09-23 14:52:36Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-23 06:06:22
  • To all F2P player: You think the company created this game for charity purposes? So you can play happily ever after? You completely have no idea how much it cost to maintain a server. They are currently having more than 80+ server. If 1 server cost you $500 (Cheapest) for a month, 500x80 = $40,000. This does not include the Naruto "Copyright patent" yet. Do the math.

    Try to think, if everybody go for F2P, how long the company will survive? $40,000 a month, they are taking a risk by investing in those server hoping that they can generate some profit. The company need to pay their employees too! Will you work for free? Of course NO.

    We (P2P) have been supporting this company with our own pocket money, so you (cheapskate player) can continue with your F2P. We are supporting them, while you are just leeching. Don't you think we deserve a better treatment? They give you Jounin medal for a few days for free already, so stop complaining!! :curse:
Still don't understand why theres so much much servers open... They could always make it smaller to cut some costs and i don't think its that expensive to host a server if the population isn't huge in each server I mean now that I think about it maybe thats why they opened more server, less server lag problems so they don't have to pay more for expensive servers
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On 2016-09-23 15:25:25Show this Author Only
  • FG3000 On 2016-09-22 23:57:44
  • As a person who doesn't mind spending here and there I want to provide feedback.

    The Puzzle and refine event are crowd favorites so no problems there.

    The Fruit event? Never do this event again, there should never be an event where you spend money/coupons and have to wait days to get your item. The whole point of spending coupons/ingots is so you dont have to wait. Also the value of these fruit packages isnt very great.

    I disagree with the negative post on the spending event however. This event isnt made to MAKE you spend. Its just a bonus if you were gonna spend anyway you get a few small perks so I'm ok with that.

    F2P players relax, trust me less than 0.1% of players are rushing out to buy 20,000 ingots. Chill :)
Sir, you seem to think that they make money based on the 15 people that spend those 20000(400$/person) (30000 golds = ~ 6000$) ingots/month. They don't.

It's the 3000 that each spend 50$ once per month and get that 2500 ingot purchase. That's 7.500000 gold purchased and 150.000$ spent.

That ofc is just an example since I don't have any numbers but that's have any market works on. Macro transactions are often much more rare then micro transactions and generate far less overall income.

I don't mind spending either, got Sasori and Itachi in last event, got some matagamas, you know all gud. But they need to implement some way in which people who don't have financial ways to keep up to P2W clients. I'm not saying they should overpower them, cause let's face it, that's why we pay, to get more powerful, faster. But there needs to be a way to also keep them focused and interested. Otherwise it's gonna become another Unlimited Naruto. :D *for those who played.

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On 2016-09-23 16:09:30Show this Author Only
rito plz XD
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On 2016-09-23 16:11:43Show this Author Only
Players COMPLAINING and DEMANDING from a game that they're not even willing to pay for. LOL! Bunch of self-entitled whiners, learn to appreciate.
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On 2016-09-23 18:16:44Show this Author Only
mystery fruit event is SO BAD! WTF are you guys for real? whoever came up with this idea, you just gotta kick that guy out of your team! you guys could put that 3 boxes over there and sell them for that price. no need for tree. that'd be an event (* one) but WTF! I should wait for some days?

at least make it like:

double the reward:
keep box1 on the tree for 1 day
keep box2 on the tree for 3 days
keep box3 on the tree for 5 days

and if you cant think good enough of the events, just let me do it for you.. I will give you some good events for both p2w and f2p. at least I'm gonna think of players as players. not some dumb *s
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On 2016-09-23 20:10:35Show this Author Only
  • Hayate Kakashi On 2016-09-23 16:11:43
  • Players COMPLAINING and DEMANDING from a game that they're not even willing to pay for. LOL! Bunch of self-entitled whiners, learn to appreciate.
Couldn't have said it better myself XD
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On 2016-09-23 21:50:37Show this Author Only
Hey everyone clam down. These events are pretty good, you have ninja puzzle and the refinement rebate those two events help both p2w and f2p. The f2p gotten a free jonin medal for 4 days which is really good. The other events are pretty good also*if you spend*, but the mystery fruits....meh. This post was last edited by Zeckpawn at 2016-9-23 22:01
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