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[ Events ] Events - Sep 22nd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-22 17:22:01Show All Posts
So, what we have now:

1) Nice puzzle event.
2) Very nice refine event.
3) Garbage spending event. Really, in this game we havnt opportunities to spend ingots, just on events like last mission event. So 20k... Well, p2w players now more powerful.
4) Not bad event in theory - very bad in practice.
1st fruit - 100 coupons = 125 coup for scroll + some *. Solid fruit.
2nd friut - 500 = 64 + 135 + gold tool... Not worth, *.
3rd fruit - 1000 = 125*3 + 135*3 + 380 = 1160 - 160 coupons economy. Not bad, but f2p players dont need it, they need war Tenten-chan.
5) Special seal pack - *.
6) Special mood pack - nice, but with it we economy just 15 coupons... No comment.
7) Recharge packages - for 5k recharge just 150 bonus? Pff, *.
So we have 1 very nice event, 1 nice, 2 normal and 3 * events. Not so bad, but... Bad.

Btw thx for 3-day jonin medal. This unannounced event is good.
Quicky Post

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