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[ Events ] Events - Sep 22nd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 10
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On 2016-09-23 07:30:53Show All Posts
You guys do need 2 realize,there's no such thing as ''best'' event every week. You just had the mission event and i doubt anyone can complain about that,very good stuff for both F2P and P2P. No offense,but if you aren't paying,then you should just be glad with whatever you can get your hands on.P2P and P2W get things handed over to them because they are paying and supporting the game,they can't do the same for F2P,however,they can lend a hand. You should realize,anything that gives you coupons is extremely good. IK of a player that managed to get konan from the previous event purely using coupons (he didn't get lucky either he spent the average 5-7k coupons). If you want a big advantage like those P2P as a F2P,start saving up coupons,wait for an event that gives you a good ninja and just go beast mode on it. So if you started saving up,and using coupons on good events,wouldn't that give you an advantage against F2P,when your a F2P yourself?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 10
  • Posts: 39
On 2016-09-23 20:10:35Show All Posts
  • Hayate Kakashi On 2016-09-23 16:11:43
  • Players COMPLAINING and DEMANDING from a game that they're not even willing to pay for. LOL! Bunch of self-entitled whiners, learn to appreciate.
Couldn't have said it better myself XD
Quicky Post

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