any line up help please fire main specifically but anything will do
greetings...your ninja collection list is improved since the last time and its surely holding more ninjas that you can. use them to create good teams...i will be giving few examples for the following main characters ( scarlet blaze & midnight blade & breeze dancer ) will focus mostly on scarlet blaze depending on your for the summon unfortunately there is no information so i will assume your summons are mostly purple and holding few orange quality summons...
breeze dancer team example
a team with a high power force that can. allow you to cause heavy damage to your enemy at a specific round which it can result to a serious problem for them to deal with....on this team your depending at the overall cooperation between the members...your main will be giving the protection support with her clones to the front line which it will reduce the damage focused on them and rise their chance of survival..she will also give a special support for herself and another female unit which it will allow them to resist the enemy debuffs and endure much more damage...minato will allow the team female members to leech health on each ninjutsu attack..this will rise their chances to keep on fighting for a while longer in order to achieve victory...he will be your aid to stop the opponents ninjas mystery attacks on the formation order from 3 to 4..with a surpass of super armor and interruption ability of both shizuka and minato your team will be a problem to the enemy...reaching stage 2 and using shizuka mystery will allow your team members to trigger a dangerous combo chain that will cause a heavy damage and build your team force for a deadly strike...problems for you might be control ninjas and buff removing ninjas i think...
with such talents your main will be the main core for your team battle operation..once she join the chase attack combined with her talents benefits this will allow you to build a specific amount of chakra that can be enough to trigger most of your team members mystery attack at the same round which it can destroy the opponent and end the battle quickly...using the dance of impetus at the right timing can. allow you to resuce your team members from the deadly effect of debuffs which it will turn the battle situation to your favor...and it will allow your team members at the next round to strike again with a mystery attack chain ...the summon will aid on reaching your team combo chain to the final stage i think...
midnight blade main team example
a splendid formation with a great harmony between the members that can give a splendid power potential for your team....on this team your depending on kushina while having the rest of the members for supporting...naruto will be a great aid for kushina since he will allow her to attack twice and heal twice as well..and giving a boost to her critical attribute which it will cause more damage combined with your main and asuma support benefits....asuma will allow the team to take the full advantage of his talents that will rise their damage rate...your main will be supporting the team with the talents that will rise their damage and allow them to leech health on each taijutsu attack..he will give a special support for the sword users on the team that will rise their endurance and resistance to debuffs in order to gain the highest chance to keep on fighting...reaching stage 2 and using kushina mystery attack will trigger a combo chain that will cause a great damage and drop serious debuffs focused on a single unit at your opponent formation line...problems for you here might be also control ninjas and immunity removing ninjas i think
using such talents will provide a great benefit for the team that will help them to survive and endure more damage...your main will be your aid to stop the opponent mystery attack at the formation order from 2 to 4...the summon should aid on the team combo chain i think...
scarlet blaze team example
a formation of secret jutsu users with a wonderful combination of talents that can result on giving a great effect which it can rise the members power potential to a deadly level...on such a team your depending at the overall cooperation between the members ...having the back line to be serving as a support for the front line will make your main and ino become an important part on this team...ino will rise the team damage potential and she will rescue your team members that are suffering from debuffs or near death situation with a by removing debuffs and slightly healing them which it will give a chance for the members to survive surely...your main will be giving a full support advantage to the team members with his combination of talents which it will rise their damage rate to a high level and also protect them from debuffs...izuna will be for both attack and support since he will give a unique support for shisui that will rise his damage...he will be a problem for the none immune units with his talents that can cause harsh debuffs ...reaching stage 2 and using shisui mystery will trigger a great combo chain of chase attack that is focused on a single unit resulting on causing a heavy damage...problems for you here might be buff removing ninjas and barrier change ninjas and control ninjas i think....
as you see here..with such talents your team power potential will reach a dangerous level and specially on shisui since most of the team supporting benefits will be focused on him which it will allow him to hold the power weight of your formation and strike with an immense force...bani chakra talent will give you the chance to use izuna mystery with shisui at the second round to cause more damage and finish your opponent quickly...with the main mystery you will be able to save the team from critical situations and this can surely allow them to keep on fighting for more rounds...if i am not mistaken the summon will aid on your team combo chain of the chase attacks.....
second team example
nothing much to say here..its nearly the same team as the previous example yet this team can give a different result indeed....a secret jutsu users team but with a dangerous position 1 unit that is holding the immunity from debuffs and a mystery cooldown skill that works on each hit she takes in order to guarantee your chances to attack on each round...kushina will be causing a deadly damage to the opponents combined with the overall support talents of your team members...reaching stage 2 and using kushina mystery will allow you to start a combo chain of chase attacks that will cause a heavy damage and drop serious debuffs at your opponent...problems for you here might be immunity removing ninjas and control ninjas and buff removing ninjas i think...
holding such talents on your main will allow you to boost the team power potential to a great level...bani chakra will also allow you to use both of kushina and shisui mystery attack at the second round ..the summon will aid on completing your team combo chain i think...
third team example
yes...its shisui again !..but with a different formation that can provide a unique battle method for your members that can cause a dangerous threat to your opponent...on this team your depending on shisui while having the rest of the members to be serving as a support...naruto will be a problem to the enemy male units starting at round 1 since he will weaken their endurance and power potential and rise your male units attack power which it will allow your from line to gain the advantage on causing a great damage ....your main will be giving a unique support for the team ( except naruto ) since they are marked as secret jutsu user units which it will rise their damage power and he will also provide the protection for your formation in order to give the highest chance for your members to escape dangerous situations and turn the battle tides to your favor...itachi will be holding an important part on the team since he will be for both attack and support...he will attack the unit that is holding the lowest amount of life for a quick elimination... which it can be causing a problem to your enemy and he will aid on removing debuffs from shisui and give an extra standard attack..mostly he will be your opponent aim with the main...problems for you here might be buff removing ninjas and control ninjas i think...
with such talents your team will be able to cause heavy damage and gain a high chance to survive and escape critical situations...bani chakra will give you the chance to use itachi mystery with shisui and surely this will allow you to cause a heavy damage at a specific round..specially if your itachi is wielding the special bond mystery (setsugetsuka flash )...if i am not mistaken the summon should take part on your team combo chain i think..yet it will reach a dead end after shisui chase attack i think...
this was all...i hope you may find those examples to be an aid for you on the most times of your need...wish for you a splendid result and fruitful efforts !
best of luck my friend.....
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