Views: 7772 | Replies: 35
Why is minato edo in every event cycle?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-06-24 23:13:40Show All Posts

Bruh, I'm working to 5* my Edo Minato, and yes he has full breaks and bond barrier. Don't take that away from me!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-06-25 01:00:40Show All Posts
  • Yell0w FlasH On 2020-06-25 00:41:32
  • Dude you dont need meta ninjas to be strong what are u talking about? Why does every single person that starts playing needs to be reccomended freakin kushina and minato for god sake... i bet half of these players that use them cant even make proper combos. You can make really strong teams with ninjas u like if u understand the game enough.

Do not attack the player base. There is a reason why these ninjas are suggested. They are solid starting points for mid to end game.

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On 2020-06-26 04:46:08Show All Posts
  • Yell0w FlasH On 2020-06-26 00:45:50
  • Im not attacking anyone its just annoying that every second players has minato or kushina in the team. For god sake as JDoe said why would anyone buy ashura if they can just BT minato and be stronger. Solid starting points? These players dont even use anyone else they dont experiment with teams, they just slurp over minato cause they cant make an achievement without those meta teams. Why do u tend to like this meta *t just tell me that? U aint striving to improve the game since u are just supporting this idiocy.

Your words exactly "i bet half of these players that use them cant even make proper combos." This is an attack on the player base. You act like the player base doesn't know how the game works, yes sometimes new players come around, but when older players are suggesting these things, there is a reason for it. Its because experienced players are helping those who want to get into the competitive scene and gives them a starting point. And we know these ninjas work.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-06-27 07:37:54Show All Posts
  • Yell0w FlasH On 2020-06-26 10:26:34
  • Rename yourself to ImAnAngel. Jesus man u are so sensitive lmfao. JDoe said everything correctly so i wont even bother to reply to you anymore.

I mean, you literally lied about not attacking and I provided proof you have. And I'm the sensitive one? Sorry, I call out your crap. Don't insult the playerbase cause you don't know what everyone is capable of in the game.

Quicky Post

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