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[ Suggestions ] Nerf


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  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2020-06-24 09:53:19Show All Posts
  • ............... On 2020-06-24 00:26:25
  • gaara is the farthest thing from weak, super armour and the highest self heal percentage in the game and scaling def/res and strong shield stacking. Ignition/poison or ninjas like sasuke rine/summer kakashi etc can hurt him sure, but even if you can consistently ignite him he can still endure multiple rounds all the while stacking shields like an mf-er.

    there are many words you could use to describe gaara since they give him these completely out of character breaks, but weak is certainly not one of them

for me its not a problem, i run kushi pos1, hokage minato pos2, water main, and full sb normal hashirama and they are all tai users and i use potion tai on water main talents honestly he dies so fast for me but i see where your coming from 5% is too much for a ninja who dont even use medical ninjutsu

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2020-06-24 10:04:49Show All Posts
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2020-06-24 01:35:17
  • Hello, This thread has turned into more of a rant and less of a suggestion, so it will need to be closed soon, but before it is closed, I'd like to clarify/gather some information to submit to the devs first.

    1) What would you like to see nerfed about the ninjas in question?
    2) What ninjas would you like to see replace them as the top ninjas of the current meta?

    So far from the current posts I'm seeing that you would like to see Kushina's scaling reduced.
    You'd like to see Gaara's scaling reduced, and to counter this, you'd like to see him given offensive abilities on par with Jinchuriki Bee, who you used as a comparison point.
    You would like to see Minato's dodge chance reduced (perhaps to a flat chance rather than being based on combo? I assume your combo is low based upon your post?)
    You would like to see EGF Kakuzu nerfed, specifically reducing his heal and damage output?
    You would like to see Tsunade Reserve Seal nerfed, causing her to give the allied teams a debuff that makes them less likely to dodge?
    You would like to see Summer Kurenai nerfed, but I need clarification on how.
    You would like to see Ibiki nerfed, but I need clarification on how.
    You would like to see Summer Kakashi nerfed, but I need clarification on how. Thanks!

everyone has diffrent opinions just because someone opend a thread dont mean u need to do exactly as they say, i would say nerf gaara but leave kushina as she is i think she is a fairly good ninja, and this guys is trying to make all the good ninja into decent ninja, but in a game good and powerfull ninja need to exist so i would say only nerf gaara heal ability, and minatos dodge chance, kushina is a balanced ninja, the guy who opend this threat probably has low initiative because kushina is all based on initiative, she does not dodge so her mystery is very counterable, and there are so many counter ninjas out there, such as ibiki, summer kurenai she is cheap, even fire main can counter kushina, you just need the right strategy, so dont nerf kushina i would say, but nerf gaaras healing pasive and minatos dodge chance

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2020-06-24 10:15:24Show All Posts
  • Korren On 2020-06-24 08:54:09
  • I don't really understand your question about my main or alt...I'm just speaking from general experience. I do have 2 accounts but they're about the same power so I don't think it matters.

    I will admit, I may have overstated Kushina's killability. I do a bunch of Arena and in Arena she's not as good, and you can get blitzed round 1/2. I will give you that it's not as easy to do in normal 1v1 battles. In my experience with GNW, usually it gets down to Kushina and Gaara and we c*ually take the Gaaras down with poison/ignite. Usually only Kushina remains standing on ours or the opponent's side (when it gets really impossible, is Kushina/Gaara/BT Iruka lol). This is why I say Gaara can be beaten. I mean, I've used the BT Kushina/Gaara/Killer Bee team and I don't win every time. Probably because I am not like 300k+. I gotta say tho, if you are struggling against Kushinas who are 200k lower than you, that seems a little bit of a stretch? 200k?

    And maybe an overwhelming majority of people on your server use that core, but on mine, most of the top players do not. They use like, Edo Minato, Summer Kakashi, Kimi Halloween, Ronin. There is even still a lot of Kakuzu blitz. I think we can both agree, Kushina is not that fun to play, so a bunch of top players don't use her much anymore. She has become more in the f2p domain for like 100-300k players. It's really not "use Kushina or lose" like you make it out to be.

    I know Oasis doesn't care about their f2p base, but consider this. They also don't like doing any significant patches or rebalances. So by doing literally nothing (an appealing prospect to Oasis) they could not nerf Kushina and Gaara and therefore not screw over all the f2p who saved for them. This is like the smallest thing they could do for f2p. It's LITERALLY NOTHING. It's not like I'm actually asking them to do something, like put Edo Hiruzen in Fireworks or something. Doing nothing, would be a net neutral. Doing something, would be a net negative to f2p, as the gap between their obtainable ninjas and the ultra OP spender ninjas just widens.

    And again, I really think the meta will sort this out. I personally don't find Kushina and Gaara that oppressive in the meta of my server cluster even tho a lot of people have them. But even if you do, like I said, they will stop being as good as they are when future ninjas come out. GNW Madara breaks, like I said. If I am understanding his mystery correctly and it does 40-60% more damage to opposing jinchuriki, reason to use Gaara, Kushina, and Minato will drop because why take that extra damage. I really do not think any of these characters need a nerf. People probably wanted to nerf Roshi back in the day but look at him now, he's mostly irrelevant.

    Look, I really do understand the want to have more diverse teams be viable. I like building interesting teams and I'm interested to know what teams you run. But I don't think rebalancing Kushina, Gaara, and/or Edo Minato is the answer to this. Because a) the meta will solve it itself in time, b) I don't even think they are that bad (except Minato he's pretty bad lol, but again refer to point a), and c) to really make a rebalance work, I think other characters would have to be rebalanced too. Like, other lesser characters sure would also have to be rebalanced to become more viable so that f2ps would have a chance. But we both know what will never happen so I don't think it's worth it.


I totaly agree with this, this also remindes me of someone i know from s3

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