2016-09-22 13:01:53
It doesn't say anything about completing dailies, or anything of the sort.
It just says to plant "fruits" and when they flower, you get rewards.
I feel like this would be something like -- you get fruits from instance sweeps, and you plant them.
Or it's just a daily check in thing.
Or maybe its another p2w thing? PLANT 50 fruits for 50 ingots - GET 2 Fragments.
Who knows? I'll try to level up the alt to get you guys accurate information in the upcoming future, since its not available to level 10s. :P
Forum Br:
Gastando 1.000.000 ryos pode plantar um Fruto do Desejo (1 Pergaminho de Selamento, 2 selos de refino médios, 1 magatama de ninjutsu nv. 3)
Gastando 500 lingotes/cupons pode plantar um Fruto da Benção (3 pergaminhos de selamento, 3 pergaminhos de invocação, 1 magatama de ataque nv. 4, 1 magatama de vida nv. 5)
Gastando 1000 lingotes/cupons pode plantar um Fruto da Sorte (7 pergaminhos de selamento, 7 pergaminhos de invocação, 10 selos de refino médios, 10 selos de refino avançados)