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[ Lineup ] Asura Otsutsuki lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-06-20 05:04:11Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys




Mystery: Great mystery with amazing effects, but the problem is that it has a 3 round cooldown so unless you're using wind main or lightning main warrior killing intent he isn't suited for longer fights

Standard Attack: A really good attack except the fact that it causes low float because it's hard to chase it with some teams

Chase: This chase is same as obito's and summer kakashi which means it's super strong, being able to do it 5 times later is kinda crazy

Passive 1: the op version of dodging and it can even have 100% dodge chance in later rounds ?

Passive 2: Also really strong and a new type of passive

Well in short, this ninja seems to be crazy strong based on his skill description

The only thing I don't like about him is his long mystery cooldown and if you can truly do those chases in later rounds (I recommend using Rhino summon)

1. Fire Main



2. Water Main



3. Wind Main



A bit cancerish so this is for those who can handle longer fights

4. Lightning Main



5. Lightning Main 2



Some other barrier/buffer ninjas could be used, blitzy and fun team

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On 2020-06-21 21:53:16Show this Author Only

Wind buff even tho Madara cancels it?

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On 2020-06-22 22:44:41Show this Author Only

proxy (71)once we get gnw madara skill breaks

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On 2020-06-23 00:27:50Show this Author Only

* Ashura's Passive 1 can not reach 100% dodge if you are still confuse.

Round 1: Ashura has 0% evade, but he can get up to 30% after 1 chase.

Round 2: Ashura has 0% evade, and get up to 60% after 2 chases.

Round 3: Ashura has 0% evade, and get up to 80% after 3 chases. (max % is decreased by 20% after 2 round already)

Round 4: Ashura has 0% evade, and get up to 70% after 3 chases. (max % cap is decreased by 30% after 3 round)


But It doesnt matter if 100% or 70% in early rounds because as we can see that 50% dodge of Minato Edo is a big problem with enemy, so 70% is still a very high chance of evasion.

This post was last edited by ASRoy on 2020-06-23 00:30:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-01 07:06:03Show this Author Only

Is he stronger than Edo minato??? and also whats his price in coupons

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On 2020-10-30 08:27:08Show this Author Only
  • Great Jiraiya On 2020-07-01 07:06:03
  • Is he stronger than Edo minato??? and also whats his price in coupons

Nope, minato is roughly 10 million times better than asura.

Asura has lower damage output,

slow cd( which minato can have too but more often than not he is used with the short cd break)

I dont think his passive works, it is supposed to stack nin and res on damage, stack them by 15% each time damage is taken, I know it resets at start of each round, but a few hits giving your character(s) over 45% increase to both nin and res should be noticeable, I have yet to see my damage out increase or damage taken decrease by so much as a single figure

terrible standard, causing low float makes it difficult to create a team that can consistently enable his multiple repulse chases

and his dodge is useless.

Going by ASRoy description in round 3 if you land 3 successful chases with asura he should have 80% chance to dodge, I can tell you right now even with that supposed 80% he dodges less than a non sb minato. A bog standard 3 star edo minato has a dodge rate that dwarves asura's even in later rounds and the gap between them is obnoxiously huge, I know minato's "50%" sb is a lie, the guy dodges over 90% easily, but you would think one of the most expensive characters we've ever had would have skills that work and that if you make a team to cater to his chases he would have a decent dodge rate, right? Think again, that simply is not true, disappointingly

He is worthless to speak frankly, too weak to blitz, too fragile to tank,non existant dodge,passive that doesnt seem to work, with the exception of his mystery suppressing immunity every single one of asuras skills is worse than every single one of minatos, if his passive worked he could maybe be ok as a support character but as it stands now ,.......He can be mildly fun in arena for a few minutes after you first get him, but all in all he is complete and total sh1te, I would say he isnt even worth 20k coupons let alone ingots every other common pos 1 we currently have outclasses him by a very wide margin madara gnw, kisame samehada sb, kimi halloween, kakashi summer, edo minato, kushi, kakuzu grudge, sasuke rinne they are all better characters in every regard

This is a messy ramble of a post, but it is 2:35am on another insomnia riddled night, you will need to excuse the poor formatting, but this is an honest review from someone who has him and wishes he wasnt such *

This post was last edited by IQuit on 2020-10-30 08:37:04.
  • Registered: 2020-11-11
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On 2020-12-08 01:37:39Show this Author Only

Hes a scaling ninja that does well at supporting other ninjas .

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On 2020-12-10 18:40:04Show this Author Only

technically yes, but his scaling is garbage. Believe me a very rare ninja that I wanted, I have spent hours trying to make him work, but his scaling does nothing, you would think 15% from each hit would be formidable, it has yet to make any difference in any fight I have used him in. Also since the scaling resets at the start of each round your team needs to be tough enough to tank a lot of hits before the scaling could even potentially make a difference.

If his cd wasnt 3 rounds, (which personally I dont think it should be, whole field interruption is nice but not enough to make the character as a whole useless, he is not good enough for team things and in 1vs1 scenarios charaters like 6p, edo minato, kakashi summer c*so interrupt the whole team without the drawbacks and it doesnt suppress super armour and doesnt lead to his much needed chase I think it is flawed enough to be a 2 round cd) but if it wasnt 3 he could be a decent character, but as he is now he can only be used in arena or if you are a huge whale in a very young server where nobody has the like of madara gnw, edo minato etc, any other common pos 1 ninja wipes the floor with him, and it isnt even close.

Honestly I believe that his skill is not actually in the game, the descriptions are there and you see the little notifications over the enemy heads, but I dont think the scaling is actually programmed in. A character with pure nin standard, who buffs nin 15%with each hit taken and is hitting enemies whose def/res is lowered 8% each time he hits them, that should count for something, but it doesnt, his damage is always poor and he is always fragile, whether he has 0 stacking or should be sitting with +60% nin/def and hitting enemies with -24% res he is pathetic in both cases

This post was last edited by IQuit on 2020-12-14 07:26:42.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-12-11 19:22:31Show this Author Only

This one could be updated now for y'all whales

Quicky Post

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