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[ Events ] Event Cycle June 11th


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On 2020-06-11 02:28:14Show this Author Only
  • Perfect_Cell On 2020-06-10 19:03:48
  • Asura around when not even the taka ninjas arrived yet, you are out of your minds.
    Thx god my server has only 1 p2w.

what's your server bro?

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On 2020-06-11 03:14:08Show this Author Only
  • Nerd_Alex On 2020-06-10 19:40:29
  • My game sounds different and the voices sound deep. I'm wondering if it's a bug or an update because it's not my phone or speaker or headphones. I'm just wondering why the characters voices sound deep and the theme for the different maps you go to sound different so does the battle music.

I have the same issue.

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On 2020-06-11 04:07:37Show this Author Only

I want my money back hoeasis

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On 2020-06-11 05:17:11Show this Author Only
  • Dosu On 2020-06-10 19:39:18
  • This is Dosu's birthday week.... If y'all aren't going to add him, there better at least be a Facebook post or something that mentions it.

    seriously where is he and why are lore characters like asura playable before him... this is just insulting

Why u guys so stressed about dosu he is not even that good smh

  • Registered: 2020-01-06
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On 2020-06-11 05:43:31Show this Author Only

Can i please get my karin released, thanks.

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On 2020-06-11 06:04:26Show this Author Only

you are supposed to give people free stuff for anniversary .

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-06-11 06:23:58Show this Author Only

Anniversary time, yey! Need to donate to Oasis to make anniversary great again and nothing for players. Maybe next week will be even better with a really nice Fuku since they are usually every 2 weeks, we will see.

Overall an okay week I guess even tho nobody will do dice without Fuku deals or Lucky *, cause * is probably the worst wheel to do unless it has insanely good ninja fragments. Some f2play stuff from lantern and beans. Classic rebates, okay. Free Iruka Suit as collection bonus also okay. Meh, a boring week but has some decent free stuff and rebates.

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On 2020-06-11 06:27:32Show this Author Only

I really hope no1 is still giving money to this company.... Not logging for the 4 month straight so about events i don't care anymore... sadly...

  • Registered: 2020-02-02
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On 2020-06-11 07:04:10Show this Author Only
  • Caciante2 On 2020-06-11 06:27:32
  • I really hope no1 is still giving money to this company.... Not logging for the 4 month straight so about events i don't care anymore... sadly...

There will be money given til the very end of this game,

You not logging in doesn't affect that in anyway it's a lame complaint if you ask me

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On 2020-06-11 08:46:00Show this Author Only
  • Nerd_Alex On 2020-06-10 19:40:29
  • My game sounds different and the voices sound deep. I'm wondering if it's a bug or an update because it's not my phone or speaker or headphones. I'm just wondering why the characters voices sound deep and the theme for the different maps you go to sound different so does the battle music.

me too :/

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-06-11 08:48:49Show this Author Only

Lol you guys are just great. In a way of stealing people's money that is. When you are supposed to give good events and free things on an anniversary celebration like it happens in most games, you give huge p2w based events asking for people to pay you 3k dollars? What sort of actions are these? To be honest you guys are the worst possible people and company to run a game like this which is actually not your game and you people just bought some rights from the real developers. You people deserve to be complained directly to the real owners of the game so much that they will take back all the rights and stuff you bought from them.

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On 2020-06-11 10:11:04Show this Author Only
  • Obito.rin On 2020-06-11 05:17:11
  • Why u guys so stressed about dosu he is not even that good smh

I distinctly remember you asking me this question already. I guess you didn't read my response, so I'll dig it up again for you, but an extremely generalized TL:DR would be "because he's got an interesting personality and logic dictates he should've been added into the game a long time ago, but he isn't for some reason which is ???"

Now, to answer your question of "what is Dosu gonna do for us?" let's put it this way.

First of all, the standards of who can become a playable character are ridiculously low. If we have Enma (who only had like 2 fight worth of material), Shizuka/Guren/ Yota of all people/other filler characters (filler, that's self explanatory), Chiriku (monk dude who did nothing but get killed by Kakuzu), and Hanabi (who showed up in a flashback and in the Chunin Exams and that's really it, we're not counting her Boruto form) then Dosu should've been in a long time ago. Not to mention the Hebihimes and the Cats are playable characters when they aren't even CANON CHARACTERS FROM NARUTO.

Dosu is technically already playable in game. The asymmetrical nature of his in game graphics implies that he should've been playable early on, and there's images out there of the game's alpha and beta forms, when he was originally a playable unit. Other games by the same developer as Naruto Online also have Dosu as playable, and he's actually a top tier PVP unit in those games.

As a general rule, having more characters within this game leads to a potentially diverse meta and an open sandbox filled with possible creativity with team compositions. Mixing different character effects to make really neat teams. Et cetera. In an ideal world for Naruto Online, we'd get a Dosu with good skills – not meta defining, but strong enough and unique enough that he could hold his own as a choice in a team. Nothing like Zaku the meme unit, perhaps not broken or OP, but a genuine unit who can add to the diversity of the game meta. He doesn't need to be broken or meta-defining in my book, as long as his e.xistence makes the game meta just a little more interesting.

It just doesn't make sense that only Zaku is a playable unit. I don't know why they skipped over Dosu and went for filler characters like Shira, Yota or friggin' Suit alts of existing units (ick) instead.

I've been pushing this topic since the game first came out back in 2016.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2020-06-11 10:11:18.
  • Registered: 2020-04-16
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On 2020-06-11 10:17:54Show this Author Only
  • Do I Care? 2 On 2020-06-10 19:36:15
  • ...Who the hell is Asura?

Haha Right!
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On 2020-06-11 14:54:38Show this Author Only
  • ?O?B?I?T?O? On 2020-06-11 07:04:10
  • There will be money given til the very end of this game,

    You not logging in doesn't affect that in anyway it's a lame complaint if you ask me

tru that i dont know why he thinks not logging in for 4 months is going to affect them

This post was last edited by Pringlsツ on 2020-06-11 14:54:58.
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On 2020-06-11 15:47:10Show this Author Only

It's just funny, the game is 4 years old, and instead of announcing an update to the game process, you are offering players to pay money. For what? Would you pay for the game yourself seeing all this nonsense?

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On 2020-06-11 17:50:41Show this Author Only

No Madara GNW make me sad...

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On 2020-06-11 19:40:14Show this Author Only

The Setsubun Lucky Beans/Welcoming Spring event is better than last time. The coupons drop rate seems to be increased. Great event.

But Asura's skillset is pretty confusing and there is literally no event to spend on, which is not a bad thing since it helps me save coupons haha.

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On 2020-06-11 20:14:02Show this Author Only
  • Brian Eighties On 2020-06-10 20:27:07
  • In either event the staff probably aren't going to put much effort into fixing bugs. With Flash ending it means Oasis/Tencent are going to call it a good run and end the game, or transition it like they said they would prior. In the case of the latter, it doesn't make much sense to delve into trying, ala putting time and money into fixing said problems when they'll probably just get a slew of them after the change. They'd just have to focus on fixing them all at once then. Following that, I wouldn't expect much. It's just a waiting game at this point.

The game has been lost to laziness and corruption for years already...there is no waiting game, wake up, Oasis is just capable of fixing events and all that on spot that happen if some event is glitched/bugged because it affects everyone, otherwise there is no fix coming for major stuff how game functions, period. It has went downhill since first year.

Oasis is just copy pasting the stuff they are given or something like that, not really sure about specifics, but clearly they are just adding stuff or removing regarding events, they wont fix major stuff, people still play it and the money flexing people who like to show how much they can burn their money still spend on this game. 100$ for 5000 ingots, which are 5000 coupons, because there's no difference between these currencies besides the few additional premium events only for ingots. And as we know the value of 5000 coupons, it's nothing, it's approximate every user's monthly income if doing all the necessary events where you can earn coupons, and it's a small value for 100$.

I could bet that it wont change by a lot even if it was at the brink of death of few players still playing...otherwise while money flows from such people who support bad games and developer/distributer philosophy, and don't even care, this sh1t will continue.

With confidence I could bet 1mil $ on it.

P.S. They still have millennia old client which I use myself with old, currently latest, version. I am not playing through browser whatsoever, and if not mistaken, it doesn't require flash player for it.

This post was last edited by smaddeus on 2020-06-11 20:16:17.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-06-11 20:36:28Show this Author Only
  • Pringlsツ On 2020-06-11 14:54:38
  • tru that i dont know why he thinks not logging in for 4 months is going to affect them

never thought and i don't undestand why u and the other idiot before u thought that. I was saying i can't judge the events since i'm not logging in for a while so u guys didn't understand a * nothing about my post so u can go back to you useless game and keep wasting ur money. Do whatever u like i don't care ^^

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-06-11 20:40:15Show this Author Only
  • ?O?B?I?T?O? On 2020-06-11 07:04:10
  • There will be money given til the very end of this game,

    You not logging in doesn't affect that in anyway it's a lame complaint if you ask me

As i said to the other idiot like u , i never thought and said if u can read that my 4 months of not logging into the game is going to affect them in any way, i don't care about this company anymore, i said that cause i can't judge the events since indeed i'm not logging into the game for a while, so u and the oher idiot don't know what u read about my post, still i don't care so keep wasting time in ur life ^^

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