The only way to survive in this game is freezing if you don't spend, period. There is no point in whining about it. It's a game and the company has to earn money to continue. You can freeze your level and save coupons and be relevant. However, there are many people like me (and maybe you, idk) who didn't know about freezing or saving coupons and items for rebates. I ended up having 160k bp at level 103. This is what I did: I quit that server, joined the newest opening server the morning it opened and it has been around 10 months and I have 140k bp! And at level 78 too, I didn't even freeze that hard (for the record, I do get monthlies occasionally, not every month tho). I suggest you do the same.
Now lets bring it to your logic which don't make any sense, imo. The company has to earn money like I said earlier. So what this means? It means that the game should satisfy and prioritize the spenders first. I'm not saying it should care about the spenders only but first. If I were a player who spent a lot of money and didn't get that much reward for it I'd just stop spending. People spend money to get power and for what? Just to test their teams against the same power people? It shouldn't work that way. You need to get some sort of reward for having relatively higher power than someone who had the same chance to gain that power (or team) as you did. So that thing that balances the game is level. And I'm okay with that. Even though there are people who spend and freeze at the same time with 400k+ bp at around 80 level, I don't think I should complain about it that much because that guy put effort and time and money into it.
Now what could be fixed about Matsuri is the W/L ratio matches. I get that there is a level cap when matching in Matsuri. If you are 80lvl, you don't face a 105lvl person. HOWEVER, say you have 150k bp and won 3 matches, some guy with 400k bp has won 3 matches and you both have the same W/L history in Matsuri that day, the game matches you 2. I think the game could match people with similar power and level people in that situation. As much as it is nice to win constantly, if you don't face any challenge, the game would be boring. Same whing could apply to SWB as well. My current battlefield level cap is 81 but there are few people with 300k+ bp. If there would be a power cap too, it'd be awesome. For instance, if the level cap is 80, the power cap would be 300-350k bp.Once you get more power than that, you automatically go the higher bracket battlefield. To me, that sounds perfect.
Let me know what you guys think.
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