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[ Events ] Event Cycle - June 4th


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On 2020-06-03 19:34:50Show All Posts
  • ?O?B?I?T?O? On 2020-06-03 19:26:40
  • What's the point of any game if everyone has the same things.

    Beggers like you should leave since you clearly don't understand the meaning of the game.

    Fireworks just creates massive mobs of beggers that keep wanting fireworks every week and good ninjas in them.

    I think it would be better fireworks ceases to exist but not want to incite drama and argue with 1000's of beggers

    I like fireworks too I guess I sometimes use 1 free ninja like for example Dan Kato Edo in arena and 1 out of 4 matches about I see a opponent no try on the game 3 fireworks ninjas in there team no effort what so ever

emmmm, in this game everyone has been going for the same thing from day one.

there are hundreds of ninjas but you only ever see maybe 4 in action, 99.9% of characters in this game were redundant from day this game launched, it is at its core a collection game, yet in over 1500 servers there are maybe, maybe 6 people who play it that way

I agree with you arguing against the guy spamming, oasis already treats us more like discarded toilet paper than their consumer base , and replies like his certainly wont make them reconsider their stance of 100% ignoring us , but the point of this game is not for players to be different, everyone here is a clone, I guarantee you you can not find a more boring and less imaginative player base than this game has. Does not matter if you have been here 3 years or 3 months, if you buy kushi, get gaara breaks and throw thousands of dollars at this game then there is nothing to distinguish between a long time player and newcomer.

2 options

pursue meta, be identical to every single other person here, and cry over a non existent win/loss record, sacrifice every single ounce of gameplay and fun


use ninjas you like, collect who you want, treat this as a game and just use it for some fun down time, but accept that you will lose 9/10 matches

Of these options a bare minimum of 99% of people here chose the former

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-03 19:42:04.
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On 2020-06-03 20:01:45Show All Posts
  • ?O?B?I?T?O? On 2020-06-03 19:45:02
  • In my server I have friends and I help create lineups for them and I use all ninjas I have and Konoha Proxy ofc I feel its a fun game that I play everyday events aren't the best since half of them are recharge, it reminds me of a game I used to play online it was called Pokemon Legends (PL) and it was dead all the devs, mods all left but there was still good people playing the game that I made friends with and evantually the devs mods came back and are bringing back fun events. Although most of my friends quit before they came back and I quit too I care about the people on the game not exacty weather its dead or alive.

    All the people that I am reminded here are dirty beggers on the street :V but I couldn't care more

that is fine, if that is true then you are in the microscopic percent of players here who actually treat this like a game, and not a means to pay for wins to inflate their ego.

I am just saying, you are right that spamming and begging is not a good approach, but at the same time you cannot argue that the goal of this game is for players to have their own experiences and be different, that *should* be what we all want from a collection oriented game, but unfortunately it simply is not the case here

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On 2020-06-03 20:42:42Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2020-06-03 20:20:23
  • We all know a good amount of people don't want to put in the time to get stuff so its not surprising when they act like this.

or they are unable to take advantage of the events

my server has been merged 5 times, my server contains 2 mods , roughly a dozen of the biggest whales in the region, and has 5 still active groups. But now all the strong people just share each others accounts, and do everything together. There are guys in my server "piloting" 15 accounts single handedly, they log in, team up their alts/piloted accounts, take care of themselves and log off.

Since oasis removed the cross server team matching for 3vs3 I have not been able to find anyone, through no fault of my own I cannot take part, I missed onoki frags in the last one and will miss shikamaru in this one, short of creating 2 alts and spending a lot of time levelling them up and even then having to carry them this isnt a problem that I am capable of addressing. Despite being in a server where at the time of writing this the top 5 groups each have over 700 for the past 3 days activity rate, and I am not the only one in this boat

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-03 20:43:59.
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On 2020-06-03 21:40:01Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2020-06-03 21:20:46
  • Your experience is seriously an outlier since majority of the servers likely don't have that amount of merges occurring. While it is against the ToS, people still misuse their alts for this reason and while you may not want to create *t to trade quests/items for events to your main, then you have to acknowledge you have that option and you chose not to gain rewards via that method.

    Also, I hope you have noticed that when certain events (myobuku trials) that requires little effort in getting rewards, there's praise for the event on the forums but when events that makes you to put time, barely any praise. When there's rebates, people don't praise for it and the only reason why the lack for the praise I could think would be you did not prepare to have the amount of items needed for the rebate. Heck I remember people were complaining about doing the weekend puzzles....

"then you have to acknowledge you have that option and you chose not to gain rewards via that method."

so you are defending oasis, as you always do, by arguing that I need to accept responsibility for not dedicating more time and creating multiple accounts because oasis are so immeasurably inept at both handling an MMO and at dealing with customers, that the one time in 3 years cross server matching was a positive instead of a negative they decided to remove it?

is it my fault that I dont have multiple accounts? yes

should it be a requirement for a 3 year old MMO that to simply have the ability to participate in certain events players are forced to have alts or miss out entirely? abso-*ing-lutely not

as for the second paragraph, I honestly don't know. I try not to pay attention to much on these forums since anything worth saying gets censored. I cant talk on behalf of other people, I can only share from my experience, and I can tell you that 3vs3 is an event that is now off limits to me, and it isnt my fault, it is bad management, if an MMO has reached a point where people dont want to play it, where they would rather give their details to other people to do things for them, then that is a clear sign that the "game" is not fun and that the company is doing an awful job of incentivising players to * around. Regardless of the game, regardless of the genre, if your player base consists of people who put in active effort to *avoid* playing then something is unarguably wrong

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-03 21:56:42.
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On 2020-06-04 01:16:11Show All Posts
  • kamikamikami On 2020-06-03 22:50:23
  • My dude, your fault doesn't lie in not making alt accounts. It's in the fact that you didn't make any friends in 3+ years in an MMO that requires teamwork in multiple events. Unless your whole 5x merged server with 5 active groups is 100% full of ducks, then I am sorry.

    I mean srsly, I make sure that all of my groupmates who want to participate in 3v3 have a team or i help them. All they have to do is ask. Have you tried asking... jeez i can't believe I have to write such obvious things.

    On the events topic, I'll be the only one but I think these events are decent. At least better compared to the current week.

obviously I have asked, and as for friends go, be real. this is not an mmo with a community, there are bubbles of people who share accounts and people * to their bubbles. the only person assuming this type of stuff needs to be asked is you, if you think people here are dumb enough to complain before even simply asking for help, then you have an even lower opinion of the players than oasis' staff does

when the last merge happened there were only 7 of us left from my original server, that number is now down to 2, the guys who use to be my team mates back in the day have long since quit this insult of a game.

And I wouldnt say my server is full of *s, it is full of people that like the vast majority of players these days dont want to be here, they share details with each other so they do not have to even look at this mess themselves, the only reason they dont quit outright is because they are too stubborn about either the time or money they have spent here to date

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-04 01:51:46.
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On 2020-06-04 01:20:55Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2020-06-03 22:27:30
  • How is that defending Oasis? Yes Oasis is not entirely making sure the events is open for all players which *s. However, for examples like Missions, you have the option to make *t account just to trade with missions. If you don't want to put the time, you have to accept that and know that you can gain these rewards but you choose not to. There's nothing stopping you besides you. Yes you shouldn't have to make *t just for these events but if you don't, you lose out on the free rewards gained.

    I got lucky with guildmates willing to trade but if my server is inactive, I would make *t just for the purpose. I saved a lot of coupons based on farming ninja frags from that event.

because thats what you do, everyone already knows your reputation here.

in this instance you are passing the blame from the company for what must be atleast their 5000th poor decision that made no sense onto the players who do not "pilot" other peoples accounts- nobody ever wanted any of the cross server things to be implemented remember when oasis use to run polls and the results were a landslide against cross server crap, so oasis ignored us and did it anway? well that still rings true, cross server stuff is still crap, and instead of addressing that they removed the one and only aspect of cross server stuff that actually benefited us players, and who knows why they did it, it clearly wasnt for performance issues, because if anything this game has developed more bugs and become more laggy and unstable despite the company raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars for copy and pasting some code and assets from china

Blaming a player for not "taking time" instead of a company for not making simple changes that literally any other games company, even small startups would be able to manage is absolutely defending oasis, whatever you think of me and whatever your perspective is from inside oasis pocket this is supposed to be an MMO, a genre that thrives on accessibility, penalizing the players and passing the buck to us for not "taking time" when the worst enemy of this game is oasis themselves, and the number 1 reason people quit is because of how shady they are, yeah, guy , you are defending oasis. A company makes poor decisions for 3 years consistently, drive away lots of players, grind the interest of remaining players into the dust so badly they would rather give other people access to their account than to even log in but you are consistently in these forums trying to play down the problems, to undermine issues, and want the playerbase to take responsibility for a company ruining their own money making machine . You are literally saying that us players, some of us who have jobs and responsibilities and things to do away from an anime based video game are to blame for missing out on events because we dont have the time or maybe desire to run multiple accounts on a game so badly mismanaged that the overwhelming percentage of player base are people who as I said, actively take measure to avoid loggin in

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-04 01:53:46.
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On 2020-06-04 02:18:50Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2020-06-04 02:08:14
  • I bring up solutions where you as a player can decide to act upon since Oasis does not want to take action. If you, as a player, are not willing to find solutions besides waiting for Oasis realize they should care for the entire community - we all should know that isn't going to happen, then I cannot help you there. If you don't want to create an another account, that's fair but you should know that's an option for you.

    Continue to praise them when they give events where little effort is required then if you think like this then...

"solutions" which in your eyes means for us to spend even more time hanging around a game where even the biggest whales have lost interest in consistent playing?

or do you mean by telling us to "take time", guy this is an anime based free to play mmo, it is not an investment, it should be a hobby to play when you have some free time to spare and for a little escapism, it should not have to be nor should it be expected that we need to treat it like a weird job where we have to clock in and grind for a certain number of hours or else lose access to entire aspects of the game.

Your solution is bull and you know it, you do what you always do, you come in to forums, you target people with criticism of oasis or the state of affairs and try to downplay them as no big deal, and when people point out that we all know you are in their pocket, you act as though you are just a fence sitter, neither defending oasis but also not agreeing with the blatant shortcomings we point out.

and the last thing you said, guess what? utter bull also, talking about "effort" jesus christ dude, again, this is an anime mmo, you are not training for the olympics, effort is not relevant in any aspect of this game.

I made a valid point, one which has a very simple solution:

oasis added cross server, which no one wanted

the cross server team matching was the one and only instance where cross server has had a redeeming feature and they removed it.

That is a completely legitimate criticism and would take no work at all for oasis to add it back in, that way everyone, regardless of server age, language spoken, server activity, as long as they are high enough level to unlock the event they can participate, it is a very easy fix that means nobody has to miss out on the event, which in turn means people are more likely to take part, and since the prizes and frags from said event are ofcourse not game breaking and at best we get enough frags to 3 star the ninja but not 4 it isnt like oasis lose any money making opportunities down the road, making it a no brainier win/win/win

but instead you ignore what I actually say and just retort with "you have options" " take time"

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-04 02:32:11.
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On 2020-06-04 02:36:47Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2020-06-04 02:30:30
  • I didn't ignore your statement since it would lead for Oasis to take action but based on how Oasis has run the company, that isn't likely. You ignored my statement saying Oasis will not take action. I've said this multiple times and yet no one I've talked to gave me their next steps if Oasis doesn't listen to them. It's either rinse and repeat in asking for change or I don't hear from them anymore whether they stopped playing, gave up in asking, or other reasons. So now I ask, what are you next steps?

    Seriously, this became off topic when the topic is based from players not seeing that missions is a good event...

yeah, it is off topic, but it doesnt matter, I have said naughty words against the overlords, so it will all be scrubbed soon anyway.

and yes you say the same shtick to everyone, that makes you part of the problem not the solution. Doing oasis job for them and provoking people for pointing out flaws puts you squarely on oasis side of matters.

I have no solution, unless oasis hire a mod or gl who has the * to to tell the truth then oasis are perfectly happy simply ignoring it all. but at the same time that doesn't mean we cant talk, oasis wont ever change, they wont ever be a good company, they wont ever hire a single competent person, but that doesn't mean doesnt mean we should undermine each others criticisms and frustrations it does not mean we should silently swallow their * and smile, which is what you advocate.

My words may not change anything, but as long as this account exists I am allowed to very temporarily share my experiences/criticism/suggestions here until one of their lapdogs deletes it all

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-04 02:39:12.
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On 2020-06-04 19:35:45Show All Posts
  • Makaijin On 2020-06-04 08:20:13
  • Well first of all, about what you said about "should it be a requirement for a 3 year old MMO that to simply have the ability to participate in certain events players are forced to have alts or miss out entirely? " They are not trying to force you to have alts to join the event, the forced you to have friend to join you to complete it. Since they were trying to increase the number of player that play with forcing people to doing team stuff, since with the increase of player, the player that do top up will increase too. Thats the company logic (yes its * logic). The one that join with alts are what player decided by theirself.

    And then about "if an MMO has reached a point where people dont want to play it, where they would rather give their details to other people to do things for them, then that is a clear sign that the "game" is not fun and that the company is doing an awful job of incentivising players to * around". Right and wrong, some people just simply quit because they have no time to play anymore, its 3 years old game after all, some people that started to play as college/school, need to start to have a work too, and some people cant do work and play at same time, especially when this game have fixed time daily event. Some people got work at that time and cannot join, thats why lots of people need a pilot to do the dailies. And its happen on every MMO, even the popular one too. Every single MMO have some people that piloted their account.

    And you even said about "it should be a hobby to play when you have some free time to spare and for a little escapism, it should not have to be nor should it be expected that we need to treat it like a weird job where we have to clock in and grind for a certain number of hours or else lose access to entire aspects of the game."

    Thats what happen on every single MMO, and you are the one who decide if you want to play it as little escapism or treat it as a weird job. The people that decide to play it as little escapism wont even do a pvp match on a MMO and only do pve (which is nearly impossible in here, since this game is pvp focused, but its obvious enough that its pvp focused game during the first gameplay of this game, people are the one who decided to keep playing), and the people that treat it like a weird job is the competitive one.

    And what the other dude said is a solution for sure, a solution that player need to take since oasis ignoring most of stuff that player want. And its not defending oasis at all, not even close. What you did is like blaming government for covids and doesnt want to take care yourself to avoid the virus and calling people that taking care themself as defending the government, which is not a smart logic.

where to even start with this mess

"the forced you to have friend to join you to complete it. Since they were trying to increase the number of player that play with forcing people to doing team stuff" you are saying they are forcing team events as way to try and boost player numbers? yet they approach this event 3vs3 by keeping cross server , obviously, but removing cross server matching, making it more difficult for everyone to participate in. that is idiotic, implementing a cross server event, but then limiting players to only being able to even try to seek help from people in their own server, many of which are dead or dying is tarded.

"some people just simply quit because they have no time to play anymore" this dances around my issue and isnt a counter argument in the slightest. I am talking about certain events being difficult for people to participate in because this company is so awful they drive away their own sources of income. You replied by saying people quit due to real life reasons, which I never disputed, I even said myself that some of us are here less and less often because we have things to do in the real world and simply do not have enough time to waste grinding multiple accounts here.

"The people that decide to play it as little escapism wont even do a pvp match on a MMO" bull, ive been here a long time, I have recharged in the past, but i have used my coupons to collect ninjas that I want, I have never and will never use meta, but I dont avoid pvp, as I have said in other threads, I like collect and I like to experiment with lineups, coming up with teams of obscure characters that may not win, but atleast make the boring meta clones have to work for a win can be fun, there are literally thousands of potential lineups here, and testing them in pvp is fun to do.

"Thats what happen on every single MMO, and you are the one who decide if you want to play it as little escapism or treat it as a weird job"

so its all ok then? I point out one obvious flaw which has a very obvious solution that benefits both the players and the company, but in your eyes I am in the wrong here, other mmo's have exclusive components to them, therefore oasis should not even try to make an event that gives nice but non game-breaking prizes accessible to more of their consumers?

"you did is like blaming government for covids and doesnt want to take care yourself to avoid the virus and calling people that taking care themself as defending the government, which is not a smart logic."

and this may be the single dumbest thing I have ever read on these forums. Nice false equivalence, equating a player giving a suggestion ( which is to bring back something that already existed, so the groundwork is already there) to fix one badly handled event to a global pandemic that has killed thousands upon thousands of people, yeah, nice one guy, those two things are definitely the same, and danzo is not taking care of himself, by actively and consistently taking stances *against* the other players, and by advocating they we stop even trying to make this game better, that we swallow oasis * and thank them for the meal, that is not "taking care" of himself, it is sabotaging the exact type of improvement that he as a player should want, not discredit

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-04 19:52:28.
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On 2020-06-04 20:43:08Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2020-06-04 20:22:38
  • Just saying, I've never said "stop asking for change" but mainly you should know Oasis isn't going to budge - I barely get acknowledgement that is a fact and people twist my thoughts for their own narrative. I'm a pessimistic and I can figure out that Oasis is not going to budge to improve the overall community. So instead of getting frustrated, every time they don't make a needed move, I would find a solution to improve my game experience. I am not waiting for Oasis to figure it out and you shouldn't either. It's been almost four years that they started the English and German server and no major improvements in the community - you expect them to have a revelation? While you and a select few don't expect change when you voice your concerns, I expect many that request for change don't and they should know so they don't get a false reality as to what Oasis is willing to do. That isn't going to help their mental state. Whether they decide to take matters in their own hands or they follow your steps is up to them once they know Oasis isn't going to do much.,

    Also, don't attack people when you don't have concrete evidence that they work for a company just because they disagree with your views.

You have a reputation as someone who always defends oasis, who always downplays issues, who always make conscious effort to belittle the complaints or problems of players. and you are allowed to do so freely, some comments get deleted here and there, but your account is fine, yet the people you take issue with and you decide to talk back against they stop, not always because they give up on things ever changing, but because they get silenced/banned for "inciting drama". You are on oasis side of things, but are still consistently involved in said "drama" yet here you remain, whereas if this is the last you read of me, it isnt because I stopped caring either, it will be because the mods have decided to ban my account.

Pretending to take a stance of "I dont like oasis, but what are you going to do" isnt an act anyone is buying, firstly it isnt our job to iron out every single issue in the game, the company is raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing practically no work whatsoever, they should have people looking into this, and those types of things are what gl's are supposed to relay to them. Secondly, there is a lot of crap posted here, I think we c*l agree on that, but when people do point out things, like is the case here, its a valid flaw, and the fix is one that is easy to implement and benefits everybody, we are giving oasis a clear path, so it should not be on us to have a five year step by step plan to do oasis job for them.

You may be a gl, you may just be a nosy guy who doesnt want this game to improve, but either way, when you decide to make posts trying to lay the responsibility of fixing this game onto players who are sometimes providing useful, constructive criticism and not just begging for unreasonable things, you are doing oasis job for them, whether you are paid to or not, we can provide criticism and suggestions without having a powerpoint presentation laying out a fool proof plan for the next year, doesnt mean our ideas are any less relevant, and it doesnt mean that people who claim to be nothing more than other players in the community should want to discredit them

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-04 21:08:48.
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On 2020-06-04 21:47:27Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2020-06-04 21:10:41
  • So you think it's healthy to allow people to be in the false narrative that Oasis will randomly decide they will care the overall community? While you and a select few can, majority of the people isn't capable of stomaching that fact and get angry which isn't good for their own good. Everyone can provide criticism and suggestions but they should know Oasis isn't going to listen - if you and others think that's defending Oasis, you are contributing to the false narrative. You want them to take responsibility but yet they will ignore. Ok what are your next steps then? Continue the cycle does not lead change. If you understand change won't occur, cool but others don't if they are in the false narrative.

    Whether you and others think I defend Oasis doesn't matter at the moment, that's on you but I advocate on not waiting for Oasis to act and improving my own experience by myself - if you and others don't like that then so be it. Also you are capable of doing both providing suggestions and improving your own experience - they aren't mutual exclusive. If I share your views to continuing to ask for change and there's no one on my server to trade quests - you bet I am going to make *t to trade. I'm not losing out that opportunity of rewards if I have the time. If I don't, so be it but don't belittle people who does.

Unwarranted anger isnt healthy, voicing anger at idiocy that is easily remedied is fine. But dont pretend you are doing people a favour, get off your high horse, I am not in a position where I am able to help everyone, nor do i pretend I could, but you can not for a second claim that by coming into the forums and consistently deriding players for being frustrated and having their annoyed point of views is for the "care " of the overall community, you are doing oasis dirty work, plain and simple.

you are not helping people realize their "false narrative" you are driving their anger at this company by sitting here and downplaying whatever the cause of their frustration is, and instead dumping the responsibility at their feet.

"but I advocate on not waiting for Oasis" that isnt true either, you dont tell people that they are right to be frustrated but their view is valid, you always, always dude, play down peoples issues, you are not advocating not to wait for oasis, you are advocating to not even try. to just shut up, watch oasis drive this game into the grave and any bad experiences we have that is our own fault. that we should accept the crap oasis shovels and never speak up against it

"improving my own experience by myself" that may be well and good for you, but like I and that other guy in this thread have said, this is a video game, it is not something everyone is able to or wants to spend so much time on, it does not mean they are less deserving, it does not mean that they are any less valuable as customers. I work, i have pets i have real world responsibilities, and while I can be here more at the moment because of quarantine it isnt feasible in normal cir*stances for me to cultivate multiple accounts just to have the bare minimum access to events that others have.

The only one belittling anyone is you. i shared my gripe with this event and as I have said umpteen times already the solution is crystal clear, it benefits both players and the company and there is no good reason not to do it. since then this has dragged on because you have persisted that it is my fault, that is my responsibility, that I am the one that needs to change.

It is true I have no concrete evidence you are in their pocket, but given how adamantly and consistently you defend them, how quick you are to consistently jump on anyone criticizing, how quick you are to try and twist words to place blame on to players instead of the company, the most logical and therefore most common belief is that you are a gl, it is the most sound explanation for why you defend them tooth and nail. But yes, I understand that you are not allowed to admit to this ofcourse because you would then lose the position and the ensuing free in game stuff

You may have the time to play multiple accounts and sit in forums *ing smoke up oasis ass and insulting and downplaying the frustrations of the community but I and others don't, i argued that people in this situation should not be penalized when the core issue is bad management and the solution would allow more of us players access to the events, still retain any possibility for oasis to earn money for 4 staring and skillbreaking whoever is in the event cycle, and would have no repercussions on people like you because me having the mere possibility to get the same frags for a non carry ninja as you makes no difference in terms of competitiveness.

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-06-04 21:51:14.
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