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[ Events ] Event Cycle - June 4th


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  • Registered: 2020-02-02
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On 2020-06-03 19:26:40Show All Posts
  • Savaki3 On 2020-06-03 17:24:18
  • * week,no fireworks with 10T madara or even 10k coupons or so for free at thhis rate this game *ing the D hopefully there are some 40 years old weebs who are paying this kids,god prey this boomers otherwise this game wont be aliive!

What's the point of any game if everyone has the same things.

Beggers like you should leave since you clearly don't understand the meaning of the game.

Fireworks just creates massive mobs of beggers that keep wanting fireworks every week and good ninjas in them.

I think it would be better fireworks ceases to exist but not want to incite drama and argue with 1000's of beggers

I like fireworks too I guess I sometimes use 1 free ninja like for example Dan Kato Edo in arena and 1 out of 4 matches about I see a opponent no try on the game 3 fireworks ninjas in there team no effort what so ever

This post was last edited by ?O?B?I?T?O? on 2020-06-03 19:36:02.
  • Registered: 2020-02-02
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On 2020-06-03 19:45:02Show All Posts
  • ............... On 2020-06-03 19:34:50
  • emmmm, in this game everyone has been going for the same thing from day one.

    there are hundreds of ninjas but you only ever see maybe 4 in action, 99.9% of characters in this game were redundant from day this game launched, it is at its core a collection game, yet in over 1500 servers there are maybe, maybe 6 people who play it that way

    I agree with you arguing against the guy spamming, oasis already treats us more like discarded toilet paper than their consumer base , and replies like his certainly wont make them reconsider their stance of 100% ignoring us , but the point of this game is not for players to be different, everyone here is a clone, I guarantee you you can not find a more boring and less imaginative player base than this game has. Does not matter if you have been here 3 years or 3 months, if you buy kushi, get gaara breaks and throw thousands of dollars at this game then there is nothing to distinguish between a long time player and newcomer.

    2 options

    pursue meta, be identical to every single other person here, and cry over a non existent win/loss record, sacrifice every single ounce of gameplay and fun


    use ninjas you like, collect who you want, treat this as a game and just use it for some fun down time, but accept that you will lose 9/10 matches

    Of these options a bare minimum of 99% of people here chose the former

In my server I have friends and I help create lineups for them and I use all ninjas I have and Konoha Proxy ofc I feel its a fun game that I play everyday events aren't the best since half of them are recharge, it reminds me of a game I used to play online it was called Pokemon Legends (PL) and it was dead all the devs, mods all left but there was still good people playing the game that I made friends with and evantually the devs mods came back and are bringing back fun events. Although most of my friends quit before they came back and I quit too I care about the people on the game not exacty weather its dead or alive.

All the people that I am reminded here are dirty beggers on the street :V but I couldn't care more

  • Registered: 2020-02-02
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On 2020-06-04 17:25:00Show All Posts

I have waited.... SO * LONG TO GET 25k coupons and now I get on and see WHAT?

Kakashi Summer the 1 ninja I want so much switches to TIME-LIMITED SHOP instead of where it usally is

Kakashi summer has been there for 3 months in a row in Sakura's Gift, THIS GAME IRRITATES ME!!

Screenshot 2020-06-04 at 3



This post was last edited by ?O?B?I?T?O? on 2020-06-04 17:29:30.
  • Registered: 2020-02-02
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On 2020-06-04 19:17:00Show All Posts

No im spending only 8k for him and rest for fuku

  • Registered: 2020-02-02
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On 2020-06-04 20:10:27Show All Posts

I need there to be a Fireworks or Konoha's Tree with Kakashi Summer redeem in it next week or im quiting

  • Registered: 2020-02-02
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On 2020-06-04 21:17:08Show All Posts
  • Savak13 On 2020-06-04 02:15:19
  • Yoo Deidara,the weebo,why are u treatting people so bad there are 2 types of ppl for u beggers (as im in ur eyes) and everyone else...* u racist why dont u go to thhe streets and just shoot all the beggers in ur town attlest u will be way heppier aint ya.

    the factt that u are p2w and have 50% of the ninjas and throwing 50% of ur salary in this game doeesnt mean u arer better th*(beggers)

    Anyways its a visible fact thatt u are 40+ cant even laugh at my visible joke about telling oasis to give us 10k coupons lmao insted of that u are calling me begger

    Chill out old guy whach ur life ! f2p I don't waste money on games like this >:(

Especialy games that favor p2w and don't give a crap about what f2p want in events.

Seriously if kakashi summer isn't in events next week im quiting

This post was last edited by ?O?B?I?T?O? on 2020-06-04 21:21:10.
  • Registered: 2020-02-02
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On 2020-06-05 08:18:23Show All Posts
  • RAK123 On 2020-06-05 05:05:35
  • I can only get 30 fragment in a month

So just 3 months

They aren't gonna give *ready obtainable for so long ninja in fireworks

Everyone already has Itachi Anbu putting it in fireworks means everyone gets more useless frags or all new player get him too

  • Registered: 2020-02-02
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On 2020-06-06 21:21:45Show All Posts
  • Hofuandou On 2020-06-06 20:57:02
  • Where Kushina [Christmas]?!!!

In Shinobi Feast, Recharge Only

Quicky Post

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