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[ Suggestions ] who ever wrote your AI should be fired


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-22 06:54:34Show All Posts
Why write a suggestion thread without making a suggestion on how to improve? That seems like nothing more than ranting than a useful suggestion, and it's already been brought up many times.

Also, perfecting the AI would mean that in normal battles, skill and strategy would be pointless as a perfect AI system is far more efficient than any human could ever be (check out all the chess AI). I'd rather not have them work on improving Auto to the point where it'll be better to just Auto every battle.
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On 2016-09-22 07:48:26Show All Posts
  • Kaimen On 2016-09-22 07:13:47
  • Beg to differ; When all my interruptions are wasted on hinata/kimamaro instead of field changes or revives or sage narutos abilities; You know the ones that count(Even watch all of them throw everything at tendo whose ability cant be interuppted, when they could be thrown on others instead). There should be a priority to interruptions or why else would you have them on your ranked team. When Ningendo/shurado/Iruka/Guy all waste them on the SAME person its rather pointless, or waste them on targets that arent even using an abilitiy. This has to be ranked biggest flaw as it seems the enemy team is always perfect at interrupting all of mine while mine look like chickens with there heads cut off. A priority to attack DPS/Healers instead of Hinata/kimamaro is one heck of a flaw.

    Or to watch mysteries that would start chains wasted on people with super armor, heck even clones is greatly disappointing.

    The only suggestions would be to rewrite an order of precedence of interruptions/mysteries on valuable targets or abilities like any sane person would do. This post was last edited by KingKaimen at 2016-9-21 15:15
I can't speak for everyone, but my interrupts don't ALWAYS target the same character. There seems to be a bit of RNG as sometimes they'll focus a Hinata one fight, and in the next they'll focus Sasuke. Other times, they may even interrupt both. I enjoy that not every fight is the same and that RNG creates unlimited possibilities and scenarios (which allows for a struggle between 2 equally strong players).

Creating a priority, would be a decent suggestion, if the players themselves could choose. Maybe as a player, I do want to take out their Hinata or Kimimaro because they are key in their ranked team's combo as well as annoying tanks. We've all had to deal with how the AI chooses a target after its original target dies, and it hits a clone (which is because typically the AI targets the lowest HP target on Auto).

And, sure it would be awesome to see the AI improve, but there are other things like bugs and content updates that I believe are to be prioritized. If someone here wants to code an example of how to improve the AI, then by all means do so. Otherwise, it's something minor and complaining about it constantly is only going to annoy rather than help.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-22 09:21:45Show All Posts
  • Kaimen On 2016-09-22 08:10:12
  • Not complaining I've learned to deal with it; lol or else I would've started a topic with suggestions long ago. Sure its annoying but I can care less, I come out with my 430 ranked tokens everyday and I don't see much of a difference for being in the top 20 so it doesn't hurt me none.

Oh I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the countless of people that make threads to complain and don't provide any solutions.

This is the type of discussion I like seeing. Players bouncing ideas off each other and trying to improve the system. This discussion, however, is above my head as the most complex AI I've programmed was for a tic-tac-toe assignment for one of my classes :L. I can only hope minds brighter than mine have the innovation to improve the system we all agree could use some work.
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On 2016-09-22 09:29:19Show All Posts
  • On 2016-09-22 09:14:47
  • He did give a suggestion to fire the guy who wrote it.Is that even hard to understand you can set a Different AI on ranked battles and just leave the rest as it is.There's nothing hard in programming and rewriting the code for it.But since its oasis and they're just publishers they need to forward this to the developers.
And that would imply he could do better or that he could come up with a better battle system wouldn't it? Then, there would be people complaining about why the AI is smart in Ranked, but terrible outside. If it's not hard for you, feel free to code a program demonstrating the suggestions. I, personally, already spent hours coding and debugging programs without having to deal with a buggy AI, so it's above me.

And of course, with all ideas, it'll be up to the developers if they want to implement them. We're just here to provide suggestions. This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-9-22 09:30
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-22 10:42:55Show All Posts
  • Maroner On 2016-09-22 10:00:20
  • I should point out, that even people that don't have any history with programming should be able to suggest that things could be better. Even though the OP didn't explain him self as best as he could, he did touch on the problem: AI in Ranked *ing all skills on the same target.

    In my opinion, the mods should have simply corrected him on how he went about saying it (suggesting someone get fired), but still pushed this to one of their technicians/developers for their opinion instead of asking us, the fans/player base to do it for them. If they didn't understand what he was saying, then I understand. But if they want us to do their devs jobs for them, that is not good. I really hate people using "if it is so easy, program something to prove it" as a way to shut down peoples suggestions. Bottom line is, a player listed something that he found annoying/sub-par about the game. The devs should want to hear about it, and see if others feel the same way, so they can fix it.
Yeah of course, there are people that have made great suggestions on how to improve things regardless of whether or not it's capable of programming. My only problem is that there has been several of these threads, but none of them add to the discussion (so I'm glad this one at least has suggestions and a discussion).

We don't know how much Daiske relays to the developers, and I'm sure he's probably already brought the ranked AI up to the admins already. I say it not to shut down people's suggestions, but for people that don't suggest anything, but say "it should be easy to fix the AI. Why haven't they fixed it yet?"
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On 2016-09-22 11:40:42Show All Posts
You're right, I agree it could've been handled better, but I c*so understand how frustrating it must be to have to handle the Customer Service section by himself (anyone whose worked in retail can empathize with him). I definitely want more communication from Oasis on what they're looking into and improving on.
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