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[ Suggestions ] who ever wrote your AI should be fired


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-22 08:58:25Show All Posts
If I could throw my two cents into the mix, I would like to see the AI (atleast in ranked) improved. I also agree that perfecting the AI for normal battles (when a play can/should be controlling their team) would hurt the game over all, because people would feel like Playing the game is pointless over "Auto Mode".

As to how to improve it, what about the AI preforming position checks before using skills? If you wanted to just prevent the AI from burning up everything from your team on one person's move, you have it check to see what position it is in (not only on its team, but for its position for all 3 teams that make up your ranked team at later levels). If it is in position 1 it uses the interrupt. If it is in position 2, and no other interrupts are used, it uses the move. However, if it is in position 2/3/4/what ever and *ley in a higher position (1/2/3/so on) is using an interrupt it holds the move unless another move from the enemy team comes up. EDIT: Another thing I would like to see is the AI get a piece of code that has it not use a move that causes "interruption" unless the damage it causes would kill said target. In those odd battles when no mysteries are used round one, I hate to see iterrupt moves wasted half way in to round 1 just because no one on the enemy team had a round one mystery. I know this is rare, but still annoying when it happens.

If you wanted to make the AI more powerful, it could do the same check for the enemy team. In other words, if the AI knows that the enemy is in position one, and it will trigger it's move before any move your team has, the AI could just not waste the move. I'm not even suggesting that the AI "cheat" and run initiative checks, I'm just suggesting that the AI check the turn positions for it's self, and the enemy ninja. This is stuff all good players should be doing already (You don't waste an interrupt from a ninja in position 3 on a Hinata in position 1 on the enemy team). EDIT: I should also point out this would mean my suggestion above becomes alittle more complicated because then I would recommand that it be coded so the AI used the best interrupt for the job. Example: Enemy ninja in position 3 prompts it's move. Your team has 2 interupts, one in position 1, the other in position 2. Where my code above would trigger the ninja in position 2, it could be coded so it works backwards (from enemy position, not your alley's position).

As a side note, I'd like to see this same tweaking done to Ninja's AI that use Battlefield effecting mysteries, such as Gaara. It really *s if you want to use 2 ninja on your ranked team that use these mysteries because most times they will both try to use them at the same time, there for voiding out one of them.

Anyways, I hope these suggestions are more what you were looking for. I've not done any real programming in a pretty long time, but it doesn't seem like anything that should be too hard to implement. And again, I'm not suggesting anything that would make the AI stronger then a player, just trying to lift the skill of the AI slightly closer to what a ok/decent player should be at. This post was last edited by Maroner at 2016-9-22 09:10
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-22 10:00:20Show All Posts
I should point out, that even people that don't have any history with programming should be able to suggest that things could be better. Even though the OP didn't explain him self as best as he could, he did touch on the problem: AI in Ranked *ing all skills on the same target.

In my opinion, the mods should have simply corrected him on how he went about saying it (suggesting someone get fired), but still pushed this to one of their technicians/developers for their opinion instead of asking us, the fans/player base to do it for them. If they didn't understand what he was saying, then I understand. But if they want us to do their devs jobs for them, that is not good. I really hate people using "if it is so easy, program something to prove it" as a way to shut down peoples suggestions. Bottom line is, a player listed something that he found annoying/sub-par about the game. The devs should want to hear about it, and see if others feel the same way, so they can fix it.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-22 11:20:56Show All Posts
I think people bring it up because we don't know what is being done about it. An example is Daiske said "And your suggestion is ? Also, use better name for your thread next time." If Daiske said "we are working on it", or "We know about the issues people have with ranked and are looking into it, but if you have suggestions we are happy to hear about it." people may not get as heated about it. I decided to chime in because it sounded like the issue was being ignored because there were not "suggestions". As you said Lazyboi, we don't know what is being relayed, and to who.

I do want to add that I am not pointing fingers at anyone, nor do I know what goes on behind the scenes. Because of the fact I don't know how the game is being handled I much rather see all input (no mater how offensive the poster may have been) taken seriously rather then discarded because there were no suggestions given with the problem.
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