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[ Player Guide ] Refine 10 to 13


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-08-21 13:58:44Show All Posts
  • Jugodaime On 2020-08-21 12:36:07
  • here's a couple questions:

    1. for the F2P people, how do they get 3600 epic refines w/o buying them?

    2. and if they have to save up refines from events, how long is that going to take to get to 3600 epic refines?

Well for example Great Plates give as one of its reward : 3x Epic refine rune, and its most profitable event in the game (without doubt) i got from 25 000 cupons items that would cost overall around 90 000 cupons (500 epic refine runes)

If u would save that much you would also get great rewards from Fukurokumaru event.

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2020-08-21 13:59:37.
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