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[ Events ] Event Cycle - May 21st


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On 2020-05-21 19:26:00Show this Author Only

Maybe I was not that polite but who is responsible for what? Me? No. Developers? Yes. Manage your game, pls. Do at least something. Its your job, you get money for it. You can't just be afk and don't give a dayum about anything.
So overall a very good week of events. We have a good Fuku, yes. 30k Kimimaro for 1 week, cause you will only do it next week either way.
Standart refine rebate. Very good recharging, yes. Please add more next time. Not enough always. Why only each week around 4 recharge events? Make 8 please.
Limited shop okay to get a couple of free rewards. Colored banner - okay to get the 1-3 place stuff and mainly thats it or buy a flag. Very nice, but pretty medium and meh.
Lucky stars wheel = wheel. Enjoy.
Fateful Rinne Sasuke frags okay.
Summer event which is okay for f2play. You get some okay stuff + God Like tier ninjas like Iruka Suit, Guy Summer. Very very nice. Wishing lantern for all the f2play. Okay.
Cultivation rebate! Yes. Was waiting for it. Best rebate in the game. Gives a lot of value for the coupons you use. Hopefully we can see it more in the future. Very nice rebate.
Overall one of the best event weeks ever. Thank you Oasis for your generosity and work!

This post was last edited by Eligosiel on 2020-05-21 19:27:32.
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On 2020-05-21 20:09:46Show this Author Only
  • Eligosiel On 2020-05-20 18:39:25
  • Froggy won't work with Fuku. Remember that.

    Recharge, recharge, recharge.
    Oh, refine rebate, ok. Wishing lantern okay. 20 coupons. Lucky stars wheel. Come on, there is no event to spend on even with this good Fuku. Your only option is the wheel...
    Okay week for doing refine rebate and nothing more. Mainly + getting some free stuff. Pretty much a very low value week with little amount of any good events to spend on. Pretty sad to see that Oasis does not care about anything at all.
    1. Non stop recharge events without any stopping even a bit. Or at least doing -1.
    2. Rarely they update the rewards from events.
    3. Weekly strong ninjas do not change at all for ages.
    4. Why add at least some events to spend on for Fuku? Right? We can just add 1 wheel, some rebates + one of which is cultivation that nobody ever uses at all almost (like ever). Oh, you think that rebate is meh? Well! Guess what! We will always add it! Why change if everyone says its bad? Right. Its fine. Enjoy.
    Its funny how these people have absolutely zero education and knowledge on how to manage things at all. This game had the potential to be great. Ofc p2win will always be at the top, but the game is in decline, because the devs decided to not give a F about anything and just copy paste events with no logic. If you could find a good balance between getting money from p2win and giving people good f2play events to gather stuff, get some value and etc. This game would have had more people playing it. Most people are quitting just because this place became a p2win simulator in a very hard way. You do realise if things were a little better for non whales then the reputation would have been better. If you have a good reputation you get more people that can give you money, more player base, more positive feedback even tho negative will always be there, but still. If this company worked on the game reputation even a bit... this place would have been a lot better + their profit would be higher. Why can I understand such simple things and an entire company can't? I don't get it. (Prob because they do not understand anything in games and never did and are just greedy people that work only on their wallets) I am not saying that they should just give us free expensive stuff and etc, but if they listened to feedback, updated stuff and etc. Then there would have been more people playing it. More people meaning more money even. But no, lets just continue *ing everything. Why update? All ok. Whales continue to recharge, all ok. Well, you could have had more whales if you could work on your game. Just think about it. In the past the game was okay with events. And today people are insanely happy just to see at least 1 good event. At least 1! Its crazy... How bad can it be if people are happy even about such things.
    Prob will be deleted cause players have no voice or opinion if they don't like it. Hope the higher-ups get fired and better people are hired to be honest or the game gets another localization company in the future.


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On 2020-05-21 20:14:45Show this Author Only
  • Makaijin On 2020-05-21 13:21:57
  • ah so we got someone that didnt even bother to read the date first. Fuku started at 25th till 3rd. Even there is no good event this week, we still able to do fuku after next week maintenance. We still got another event next week to spend for Fuku. Next time read the date first before you complain.

isnt it funny? how everyone points out the fuku date but ignores literally everything else said?...

as for a slightly offtopic...


on the last week cuz i mentioned something about GLs and the past... while others call each other names and insults each other and nothing happened with their posts..

11/10 IGN

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On 2020-05-22 14:36:07Show this Author Only


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On 2020-05-23 15:54:42Show this Author Only
  • 上杉 謙信- Cosy On 2020-05-20 23:51:11
  • #ListenToUs

    Dear OAS team members, first of all good afternoon.

    I come through this post to talk about the ST of ninjas that many players have been waiting and asking for a long time.

    Ninjas such as: ( Fu Yamanaka, Shizune, Sakon and Ukon ... ), these are just a few ninjas that have been around for a long time in Chinese, but have not yet reached us.

    On the other hand, Tenten [GNW] ST is relatively recent and does not have a major impact on the current meta, as well as Zetsu or Sasuke Rinne for example, which would justify it having priority over older ST.

    I would like to say that I recognize and I am grateful for your efforts to bring news to this game and try to make it better for all players, so I would like you to interpret this post not as an attack, but as a simple suggestion to make the game better.

    That said, I would like to ask you, team members, to take these demands to your superiors and help us to meet this demands.

    TY for your attentions and good game for everyone.

Lmao just ST one new and one old per week. You will catch up.

  • Registered: 2020-05-20
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On 2020-05-23 17:24:38Show this Author Only

Do we get double exp for today ? i saw 1500 (+750exp) from instance

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On 2020-05-23 18:15:04Show this Author Only
  • Eligosiel On 2020-05-20 18:39:25
  • Froggy won't work with Fuku. Remember that.

    Recharge, recharge, recharge.
    Oh, refine rebate, ok. Wishing lantern okay. 20 coupons. Lucky stars wheel. Come on, there is no event to spend on even with this good Fuku. Your only option is the wheel...
    Okay week for doing refine rebate and nothing more. Mainly + getting some free stuff. Pretty much a very low value week with little amount of any good events to spend on. Pretty sad to see that Oasis does not care about anything at all.
    1. Non stop recharge events without any stopping even a bit. Or at least doing -1.
    2. Rarely they update the rewards from events.
    3. Weekly strong ninjas do not change at all for ages.
    4. Why add at least some events to spend on for Fuku? Right? We can just add 1 wheel, some rebates + one of which is cultivation that nobody ever uses at all almost (like ever). Oh, you think that rebate is meh? Well! Guess what! We will always add it! Why change if everyone says its bad? Right. Its fine. Enjoy.
    Its funny how these people have absolutely zero education and knowledge on how to manage things at all. This game had the potential to be great. Ofc p2win will always be at the top, but the game is in decline, because the devs decided to not give a F about anything and just copy paste events with no logic. If you could find a good balance between getting money from p2win and giving people good f2play events to gather stuff, get some value and etc. This game would have had more people playing it. Most people are quitting just because this place became a p2win simulator in a very hard way. You do realise if things were a little better for non whales then the reputation would have been better. If you have a good reputation you get more people that can give you money, more player base, more positive feedback even tho negative will always be there, but still. If this company worked on the game reputation even a bit... this place would have been a lot better + their profit would be higher. Why can I understand such simple things and an entire company can't? I don't get it. (Prob because they do not understand anything in games and never did and are just greedy people that work only on their wallets) I am not saying that they should just give us free expensive stuff and etc, but if they listened to feedback, updated stuff and etc. Then there would have been more people playing it. More people meaning more money even. But no, lets just continue *ing everything. Why update? All ok. Whales continue to recharge, all ok. Well, you could have had more whales if you could work on your game. Just think about it. In the past the game was okay with events. And today people are insanely happy just to see at least 1 good event. At least 1! Its crazy... How bad can it be if people are happy even about such things.
    Prob will be deleted cause players have no voice or opinion if they don't like it. Hope the higher-ups get fired and better people are hired to be honest or the game gets another localization company in the future.

You are completely right my friend. Let me just add a few things real quick to address everything written so far.

1. China also had terrible management until they banded together and stopped recharging for I think what was 3 weeks and demanded they fix the game or no more money. Spoilers ahead: Tencent improved the game swiftly. But hey, that was China. I personally don't think 10 people can agree on a thing here without 20 more people just trolling them for fun even if they actually wanted to see those same improvements.

2. What is likely is that the game really won't exist for much longer since there is absolutely no reason not to give a merge and have your servers die, is there? It's a few clicks of a mouse and yet it's not going on? They are all likely busy with poorly managing another game and laughing at how the spenders will lose all their money abruptly once the game closes. If they can do it legally and not have players refund post closure which I think they can. Not trying to raise panic at all, and there have been a lot of conspiracy theories in the past and people screaming "the end is near", but the signs are still all there and eventually it will close. I just believe it will be by the end of 2020 with no support for Flash (even though you can run outdated versions and without support regardless) and no merges.

3. The funniest thing about the company and game is that I have no doubt that players trying for change here, on former official Naruto Online discord and in the game itself would run this game almost infinitely better than the company does, likely for free out of passion as a fan project and even without any knowledge of programming. Even though I know many players are down right wizards in the programming department and could actually change the source code.

Oh well, just be happy for new event like Summer Memories I guess. Until recently there were Slots in a streak for weeks and recharge events coming every 2 weeks together with other recharge events.

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On 2020-05-23 22:20:43Show this Author Only
  • MalinaVojvodic On 2020-05-23 18:15:04
  • You are completely right my friend. Let me just add a few things real quick to address everything written so far.

    1. China also had terrible management until they banded together and stopped recharging for I think what was 3 weeks and demanded they fix the game or no more money. Spoilers ahead: Tencent improved the game swiftly. But hey, that was China. I personally don't think 10 people can agree on a thing here without 20 more people just trolling them for fun even if they actually wanted to see those same improvements.

    2. What is likely is that the game really won't exist for much longer since there is absolutely no reason not to give a merge and have your servers die, is there? It's a few clicks of a mouse and yet it's not going on? They are all likely busy with poorly managing another game and laughing at how the spenders will lose all their money abruptly once the game closes. If they can do it legally and not have players refund post closure which I think they can. Not trying to raise panic at all, and there have been a lot of conspiracy theories in the past and people screaming "the end is near", but the signs are still all there and eventually it will close. I just believe it will be by the end of 2020 with no support for Flash (even though you can run outdated versions and without support regardless) and no merges.

    3. The funniest thing about the company and game is that I have no doubt that players trying for change here, on former official Naruto Online discord and in the game itself would run this game almost infinitely better than the company does, likely for free out of passion as a fan project and even without any knowledge of programming. Even though I know many players are down right wizards in the programming department and could actually change the source code.

    Oh well, just be happy for new event like Summer Memories I guess. Until recently there were Slots in a streak for weeks and recharge events coming every 2 weeks together with other recharge events.

wdym new event like summer memories? its been in game since forever

as for the game... if the game becomes too sh..... tencent can take the rights from oasis... so...

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On 2020-05-24 18:15:40Show this Author Only

Oh it has? I don't remember my last runs, but in the last 7 months I haven't seen it. If it was here last summer or spring I likely haven't played at the time and so thought it was new.

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On 2020-05-24 20:33:27Show this Author Only

Edo nagato event?

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On 2020-05-25 03:18:45Show this Author Only

Weekly Strong Ninja

Not like I really care, cause there are better ninjas that are easier to get, but where is Ronin? Like one person said: "He is not added to any events at all". Why does it say Ronin then? I also checked all events and he is nowhere to be seen. The only event that is missing is Fuku Deals, but there was no info he would be there. Or they added like 1 frag as bonus into fuku? Or they just copy paste the weekly ninja list and don't even look if those ninjas exist in events or not?

This post was last edited by Eligosiel on 2020-05-25 03:21:38.
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On 2020-05-25 17:07:14Show this Author Only


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On 2020-05-25 17:07:48Show this Author Only


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On 2020-05-25 17:08:21Show this Author Only


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On 2020-05-25 17:08:57Show this Author Only


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On 2020-05-25 17:09:30Show this Author Only

suc.k my dic.k

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On 2020-05-25 18:44:32Show this Author Only
  • diamond boa On 2020-05-25 17:09:30
  • suc.k my dic.k

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On 2020-05-25 18:50:09Show this Author Only

Pretty weak Fuku btw for 30k. Kimi is great but other stuff meh. Pretty low amount.

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On 2020-05-26 15:15:14Show this Author Only

Thanks for Fuku!

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