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[ Events ] Event Cycle - May 21st


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  • Registered: 2020-05-16
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On 2020-05-21 02:52:52Show All Posts
  • Melio975 On 2020-05-20 21:51:04

Fuku lasts until June 3rd.. there will be more events to spend on in the week of May28th lol. Read

  • Registered: 2020-05-16
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On 2020-05-21 02:57:07Show All Posts
  • Eligosiel On 2020-05-20 18:39:25
  • Froggy won't work with Fuku. Remember that.

    Recharge, recharge, recharge.
    Oh, refine rebate, ok. Wishing lantern okay. 20 coupons. Lucky stars wheel. Come on, there is no event to spend on even with this good Fuku. Your only option is the wheel...
    Okay week for doing refine rebate and nothing more. Mainly + getting some free stuff. Pretty much a very low value week with little amount of any good events to spend on. Pretty sad to see that Oasis does not care about anything at all.
    1. Non stop recharge events without any stopping even a bit. Or at least doing -1.
    2. Rarely they update the rewards from events.
    3. Weekly strong ninjas do not change at all for ages.
    4. Why add at least some events to spend on for Fuku? Right? We can just add 1 wheel, some rebates + one of which is cultivation that nobody ever uses at all almost (like ever). Oh, you think that rebate is meh? Well! Guess what! We will always add it! Why change if everyone says its bad? Right. Its fine. Enjoy.
    Its funny how these people have absolutely zero education and knowledge on how to manage things at all. This game had the potential to be great. Ofc p2win will always be at the top, but the game is in decline, because the devs decided to not give a F about anything and just copy paste events with no logic. If you could find a good balance between getting money from p2win and giving people good f2play events to gather stuff, get some value and etc. This game would have had more people playing it. Most people are quitting just because this place became a p2win simulator in a very hard way. You do realise if things were a little better for non whales then the reputation would have been better. If you have a good reputation you get more people that can give you money, more player base, more positive feedback even tho negative will always be there, but still. If this company worked on the game reputation even a bit... this place would have been a lot better + their profit would be higher. Why can I understand such simple things and an entire company can't? I don't get it. (Prob because they do not understand anything in games and never did and are just greedy people that work only on their wallets) I am not saying that they should just give us free expensive stuff and etc, but if they listened to feedback, updated stuff and etc. Then there would have been more people playing it. More people meaning more money even. But no, lets just continue *ing everything. Why update? All ok. Whales continue to recharge, all ok. Well, you could have had more whales if you could work on your game. Just think about it. In the past the game was okay with events. And today people are insanely happy just to see at least 1 good event. At least 1! Its crazy... How bad can it be if people are happy even about such things.
    Prob will be deleted cause players have no voice or opinion if they don't like it. Hope the higher-ups get fired and better people are hired to be honest or the game gets another localization company in the future.

Fuku lasts until June3rd, elligible for event cycle May 28th, I'm spending on this fuku I have 25k right now and I'll have 30k by may 28th just through the monthly cards, events, and season rewards, I'm personally glad this fuku lasts 2 event cycles, it's pretty smart from the devs. However, halloween Kimimaro ))::: lol *.

  • Registered: 2020-05-16
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On 2020-05-21 03:48:06Show All Posts
  • Eligosiel On 2020-05-21 03:25:24
  • lol. Its more about the overall picture on the condition of events that are mainly bad. lol. Sometimes when its all stored you need to let it all out.

I'll give you the fact that the past 2 weeks events have been absolute doo-doo. Fireworks is usually okay but Sage Jiraiya (miss). I was actually hype about this weeks bean-event even though you could only do it twice?? I figured there was a catch, rewards were broken anyway. I definitely agree that the overall condition of events are bad and there should be more events. If the events * AGAIN in the May 28th cycle I'll be sure to come back and gas you up. Lmao

This post was last edited by XNaut S1255 on 2020-05-21 03:48:18.
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