First, I would like to say that I did not come up with this strategy on my own. I learned this strategy to beat the strong approaching from Kaizer on youtube. Try watching some of his videos, and here is the li
nk to the video where he explains how to do it!
Please note that it's hard to say what power you should be at if you want to beat it because it scales with level, so it will be different for a lot of people. For me, I was able to get a score around 3k at level 74 around 22k power. I tried to highlight the most important parts so if you don't feel like reading everything just look for the words in bold!
Ninjas You Need & Formation
Sai, Sakura, Sasuke, and Fire Main (duh xd)
Sasuke HAS to be at least 3 stars, 2 star Sai is good enough, and it's a good idea to have Sakura at 3 stars but it should possible to beat it with her at 2 stars.

You need to have either the summon Kamatari or Demon Fox to do this (Chase Repulsed and Cause Low Float)

Floor 1
Round 1 You must start the round by sealing the guy at the top. Then, the fire main will put the one in the middle to sleep using his standard attack. When the bottom guy uses his poison, use Sai's mystery. By the end of the first round, the middle dude should be dead; if he isn't you most likely messed up the formation and the order in which they attack is wrong (you want to get a 10 combo so sasuke can chase and ignite the middle guy) or are too weak at your level to do the difficult strong approaching.
Round 2 The fire main should start off the round sealing the guy at the top. Once the bottom guy uses his poison, use Sakura's heal, and you also want to start up Sasuke's Mystery this turn. Once you use their mysteries, you should should be able to kill the top dude, and that is all you're going to need to do this round.
Round 3 Your main character should seal off the last guy's poison, so be sure to use Sai's mystery because his pets won't get hit by the poison. It should be ok to use Sai and Sakura's mystery whenever they are up after this point.
It should look like this if you have done everything correctly. Your ninjas should be close to full health once Sakura heals.
Round 4 YOU NEED TO SPAM YOUR MAIN'S MYSTERY TO PREVENT SHIZUNE FROM POISONING YOU. There have been so many failed runs where I mess up and have to start again because I forget about sealing her and she ends up poisoning my team. I usually end up spamming Q once round 3 ends to make sure that she isn't able to hit me. DON'T USE SASUKE'S MYSTERY ON THIS ROUND. Once you seal off her poison, just let all your characters hit her.
Round 5 Use Sasuke's mystery ASAP and charge it back up. Once all your skills go off, Shizune should be dead and the round should be over.
Round 6 Karin should poison you this round and that ok, and I believe Sakura's heal should be up too. It's nice to have 2 of Sai's pets up because Sakura can heal them back, and if you don't it should still be possible to clear it because Sai's mystery should be available if you have been using it whenever it's up. All you have to do is use Sai and Sakura's mystery this round and let the rest of your ninjas do their thing.
Round 7 On this round, the fire main's mystery and the second part of Sasuke's mystery should be ready if you charged it up on round 5 or 6. As soon as the round starts, use the fire main's mystery then use Sasuke's myster RIGHT AFTER her poison is prevented. If you don't do it correctly, she will heal to full health again.
Jiraiya Rounds Depending on how strong you are for your level, it should take 2 or 3 rounds to kill Jiraya. Don't forget to keep healing when Sakura's mystery is available and make sure Sai has some pets up so they will be able to tank Hanzo's attacks on the next round. It isn't necessary to have pets up when you enter the last floor, but it helps keep your ninjas healthy which results in a higher score. The only important thing is to SAVE YOUR FIRE MAIN'S MYSTERY FOR HANZO. Do NOT use it on Jiraiya, and just let everybody hit him. There are no real tricks to this floor other than that so you can relax on this floor.
Hanzo Rounds Once you make it to this floor you need to wait for the third round because thats when Hanzo will use his mystery. The reason you save your fire main's mystery is so you can SEAL HANZO ON THE THIRD ROUND YOU FIGHT HIM. He ALWAYS uses his mystery on the third round and you do not want him dealing a ton of damage to you here when you are so close to the end. Once you seal him, you should be able to kill him and win! ^.^
Hopefully this helped you guys out. Sorry for making it so wordy, I just wanted to explain everything. :p
now pls give me reward oasis games i want my free magatama and coins! xd