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[ Bugs ] Money transferred for ingots, but didn't get the ingots.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-05-19 01:36:48Show All PostsDescending Order
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I recharged 200 dollars on May 1st, but I only got the ingots for 100 dollars. I have tried emailing support and have gotten no response in over one and a half weeks. This error didn't just cost me for the recharge itself, but also for the Slot Machine Spins that would've been 52 as it would have made an even number spin during the event, in addition to the ninja frags that were available during the recharge event during the time of incidence. I have already made a dispute with Paypal and made it into a claim since of failure to respond. This will have 9 pictures added. D1-5 are the ones added to the dispute that is now a claim on Paypal. S1-4 are the pictures done on May 6th in an email to support. This is for S7 MoogleLordKupo.


tylermotoki edit: removed PayPal screenshots.

This post was last edited by tylermotoki on 2020-05-19 01:36:48.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-05-19 06:13:01Show All Posts
  • tylermotoki On 2020-05-19 01:40:16
  • Hello, I am sorry that CS is taking so long to respond to you, hopefully they can get back to you soon. In regards to any lost rewards due to this, if CS does not help you out with this, please PM me and I will do whatever I can to help you. I will PM you in regards to the claim.

I am going to give CS five more days to respond. If not, then I will PM you. I am not going to be unreasonable in regards to the lost slot spin rewards if I have to go to PM. In the case they don't respond by that time, this gives 6 days for negotiations prior to default judgement for the claim. If an agreement is reached prior to that, I will end the claim same day the agreed compensation and ingots are received.

This post was last edited by Feebas on 2020-05-22 23:15:03.
Quicky Post

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