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[ Events ] Naruto froggy Deals


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  • Registered: 2020-04-13
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On 2020-05-18 08:52:36Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I don't know what the deal amounts are for the Naruto froggy event, can anyone help me out? What you get for the next 6 days and the ingot amount. I'm new and don't know much, accounts less than a month old. Debating whether or not to spend to improve the experience in my server.

  • Registered: 2020-04-29
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On 2020-05-18 10:05:32Show this Author Only

There is a 9k ingot deposit, 5k, 1k, and 500

They are all extremely worthwhile

  • Registered: 2020-04-13
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On 2020-05-18 11:12:24Show this Author Only
  • lazal On 2020-05-18 10:05:32
  • There is a 9k ingot deposit, 5k, 1k, and 500

    They are all extremely worthwhile

thx. appreciate it.

  • Registered: 2017-09-25
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On 2020-05-18 16:03:45Show this Author Only

Well its not that hard to understand but ok

If you deposit 9k ingots you can claim 7500 in return and in next 6 days you can claim 2450 every day

5k you can claim 4500 and in next 6 days you can claim 1300 every day

1k you can claim 800 and in next 6 days you can claim 275 every day

500 you can claim 500 and in next 6 days you can claim180 every day.

If you plan to recharge from time to time and only small amounts going for monthly cards is maybe better then going for 500-1k froggy. Two monthly cards will cost you 900 ingots and you will get 4500 Cps but it will take 30 days to claim. It depends how much are you planning to spend and how often you plan to recharge

Quicky Post

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