As one of the strongest on my server, my current suggestions would probably not work for you. However, back when I first started (which was a few days after Server 6 opened and I was quite behind), the teams I ran with to clear from about 1-9, were summon teams that could clear without soaking up too much damage.
Perhaps something like Kankuro, Kiba, etc (I don't want to recommend characters that you haven't cultivated and awakened, so you'll have to decide on your own which you want to use). My main team was Fire main, Kakashi, Neji, Iruka (which can be replaced with Guy for the lifesteal). The problem with this team, if you run Guy, is that you won't have the shield and will most likely take damage (unless you clones can soak up enough damage that you can win without taking much).
Remember, it's wise to abuse the retreat to get the "perfect" run where you take the least amount of damage, while getting those RNG combos off your standards. So to recap, run a summon team to clear as much as possible until you start taking too much damage. In which case, I would run my main team and see if they could beat it without taking damage. If not, the third team (which I just run some sort of decent damage or ignition, Jiraiya, Tobi, etc) can take down the team, or at least cripple them for my main team to finish off.