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On 2016-09-21 12:00:53Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Dang, guys, i need your tought on this :( ... after the events, ill have like 45-50 Sasori Frags, Sasori is like one of my favorite Ninjas

Now i would have to Recharge for 50$ US to get he worth it? This also comes with a lots of Missions boxes, so a chance to MAYBE get Kisame or Itachi..its only been a week that i started playing, and my server is quite new (S71) and theres barely only 5 Active Group, what happens if a Server die :(?
I don't wanna regret spending that much money on a Browser game

What would you do with 2500 Ingots?
And is Sasori worth that much?

Thank you
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On 2016-09-21 12:34:35Show this Author Only
I wouldn't say it's worth it.

Heck, there was a chance to get a WB Asuma a few to some weeks back but if you really want to get him, you had to pay more than $30 for him. Yeah... no.

I love Asuma but there's no way I'm going to pay that much for a character. It's outrageous.
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On 2016-09-21 12:37:08Show this Author Only
Its worth it to some, not worth it to others. Many will feel or have felt regret upon spending money on the game and some are more than happy with their purchase. Its solely up to you. Sasori is a great character, with the ingots theres a lot you can do, up to you.
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On 2016-09-21 12:56:24Show this Author Only
Sasori's not bad, and his mystery hits 9 people, which means that even if you don't use him in your main team after a while, he can still be useful in ranked.

Servers will be merged in the distant future, so don't worry too much about your server dying... having 5 active groups is actually really good. Even if it dies, it'll be merged with a more populated server eventually, so there's still worth in that. In the probably even more distant future, you may be able to get Sasori different ways, but by then he may not be very useful at all (and, if you get him now, it will be easier to 4*+ star him later.)

However, this is all "in the future", it may be more rewarding to get him now instead of later...

As for my personal opinion, I wouldn't spend that much on him alone. I would rather spend it on more materials to upgrade my ninjas and battle armour, or other things I'm lacking. If I were to buy anyone, it would be Konan. I do like Sasori as a character also however.

Still, it's up to you! I wouldn't blame you for going for Sasori, even if it's not what I would personally do.
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On 2016-09-21 13:34:58Show this Author Only
If you're that close I would recommend it. Sasori in GNW or Ranked is very nice to have especially when coordinating in GNW! My brother's Sasori ended up winning a fight due to the Paralysis hitting an enemy team that was based purely on combos. It was an accident but won the entire GNW for us. He's now a permanent ninja in our future GNWs.

Also if you love the ninja, get it. I'm 75 with most of the rare ninjas in the game and I use GNW Kankuro because Kankuro is one of my favorite ninjas. He's strong in the game too but I could also just use someone higher tier, but I don't.

Have fun and play who you want and try to make the team work!
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On 2016-09-21 14:51:20Show this Author Only
My wallet hate you all XD theres a majority of Positive feedback D=
Thanks everyone, tommorrow i'll buy Missions boxes to get sasori, i'll let you know if i get anything else interesting in the boxes :) Wish me luck!
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On 2016-09-21 15:37:16Show this Author Only
  • Bromantic On 2016-09-21 14:51:20
  • My wallet hate you all XD theres a majority of Positive feedback D=
    Thanks everyone, tommorrow i'll buy Missions boxes to get sasori, i'll let you know if i get anything else interesting in the boxes :) Wish me luck!
I think you'll get Itachi. :) You deserve him. Goodluck!
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On 2016-09-21 16:14:42Show this Author Only
Sasori is more of a control ninja and has a bit of damage to boot since he hits the entire team, so I would have to say that he's worth if you can make him work with your current team(s).
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On 2016-09-21 22:37:00Show this Author Only
Alright, well i didnt get Itachi or Kisame..a couple of lvl 3 magatama and a lvl 4 attack magatama
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On 2016-09-21 23:02:39Show this Author Only
Except from his non-prompt mystery then he is quite good
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On 2016-09-21 23:05:27Show this Author Only
He is good, only con for him, he is not prompt. So when you use his mystery he not gonna auto attack and only cast mystery when his auto attack would come.
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On 2016-09-22 01:11:49Show this Author Only
I look at it like this, I pour 100's of hours in this game. So giving the devs some money here and there doesnt really bother me because compared to other forms of entertainment this game is dirt cheap.

But I respect free to play players, its all good.
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On 2016-09-22 02:19:32Show this Author Only
Hmm, theres something that i don't understand, Sasori's mystery isnt prompt, but i'm still doing it before others Mystery, and i'm still healing the puppets, but i'm not attacking with the puppet...does Sasori have 2 Attack? because he Heals AND Attack with puppet, and when he doesnt have puppet, he heal twice
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On 2016-09-22 02:21:54Show this Author Only
  • Godsuxx On 2016-09-21 16:14:42
  • Sasori is more of a control ninja and has a bit of damage to boot since he hits the entire team, so I would have to say that he's worth if you can make him work with your current team(s).
He will work with my current team, but only if i can get Gamachu as a summon
Water Main, Kankuro 3*, Sasori, and Kakashi
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On 2016-09-22 05:01:16Show this Author Only
He's not the best in a 1v1 team. He has usefulness in GNW and Ranked teams where his mystery has the ability paralyze up to 9 people. Which is a tremendous advantage. Heck Gaara is one of my favorite ninjas hes prob not, well isnt the best way to spend money but I did everytime he was in the shop for 200ingote for 5(NO WORTH IT TO ANYONE BUT ME;I'd do the same thing for jiraiya frags)

But Point being if he's is someone you truly want go for it. However whenever we get updated shops sasori will be a part of it eventually. So to each there own.

And if a server begins to die they may merge a very small server? but don't hold me to that.
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On 2017-04-04 07:46:33Show this Author Only
I have a question: What are some good 10 hit combos teams? My team right now is Tenten 3 stars, Sasuke 3 stars, Karin 3 stars, and wind main 4 stars. Is this team good or what?

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On 2017-04-04 14:11:02Show this Author Only
No dont waste your money on this rigged game just get his frags from ranked shop.
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