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[ Events ] Event Cycle - May 14th


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On 2020-05-13 23:23:41Show All Posts

Pluses: Zetsu BT which is good and Zetsu can be used now. At least we can try him out since he was okay in China. Training potions added to shop. Great. Hopefully a good limit and not 10 per month. 100 like in China I suppose.
Minuses: Recharge recharge recharge. New event! Oh, wait... recharge.

Jiraya meeeeeh. Just for collection cause not everyone has him is okay. Fine. Some beans event that will prob be bad, but we will see since I don't know and others prob also.

So basically Lucky board is the only good event this week. I mean. The Zetsu BT and training potions are a big deal, but all the other stuff is just useless carp (fishing event thank you). Meh, a good enough week for storing coupons. Can take a break from last Fuku deals.
Many also say that Kisame and Konan were in fireworks and they should mainly add crappy ninjas. Well.. you do realise that Kisame will be a good tier ninja with his BT. When they gave him out and didn't expect China to give BT to him. Lul. Unintentional good job. I am sure they would have never gave him out if he had BT. But there are better ninjas for collection than Jiraya Sage who we had almost since the start of the game. Omegalul. But okay. Again, not everyone had him. Okay for collecting.
Some ninjas like Konan might have BT in future so who knows. They should maybe later even change ninja fragments in fireworks for BP material stuff. Charm packs, seal scrolls and etc. And not 1 box, 5 boxes, 10 boxes. Not too much, but an okay f2play amount for the cost of the ninja they gave out. Or give like 15+ frags + materials. Like for Onoki 5 kage since we got only 65 of him.

This post was last edited by Eligosiel on 2020-05-13 23:32:25.
Quicky Post

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