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[ Events ] Event Cycle - May 14th


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On 2020-05-14 20:16:15Show All Posts
  • Dacien Del Sol On 2020-05-14 20:02:42
  • he is a bad ninja even with his breakthroughs. Any of the ninja you pull out of GNW Treasure or the Jin limited time treasures easily outclass him in his 4 star breakthrough form. For collectors, sure, he has a point, but you could also easily get him out of old treasures, which most collector focused players would have done by now. It just feels like something a little more current and actually usable should be the reward.


I guess you have 0 clue what you talking about. While i agree that he is a bad ninja and its not good enough to be put in fireworks since he is useless even with his breakthroughs and like what you said, only have a point as collectors (which i one of it, but i still think its not good to put him in event). BUT he is not easily obtainable in old treasure, in fact sage jiraiya was the hardest to get. Some of my friend who is collectors too havent got him either even though they already got others ninja.

So please, even if you dont agree with something, dont spread wrong info just to make you win your argument.

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