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[ Events ] Event Cycle - May 14th


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  • Registered: 2019-12-25
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 9
On 2020-05-15 22:39:31Show All Posts
  • Skylaa On 2020-05-14 04:14:36
  • Suggestions for Fireworks ninjas:

    -Suit Gaara (almost no one has, not meta)

    -Christmas Temari/Shikamaru/Summer Gai/Asuma/Suit Iruka/Swimsuit Raikage (possibly too new but not many people have bothered to buy these, no meta use)

    -Hokage Tsunade (formerly meta ninja, still possibly useful, superseded by newer Tsunade variant)

    -normal Hiruzen/Tobirama (few people have these unless they randomly got them in a mission exchange pack, not meta)

    -final 40 frags of AOG Konan

    -Danzo Izanagi- (super rare, not particularly useful)

    -Edo Han/Utakata/Fu (since we can't get their proper non-limited treasures and can't grind them out in survival/3v3, not meta)

    -Young Nagato (very rare, not as good as SB Edo Nagato)

There's a few things you can't suggest if you give the slighest c**p about the community. "Final 40 *s of AGK Konan" wouldn't apply to 100+ servers made after she was in fireworks. Edo Han and Edo Fu are super rares that are likeliest to drop and also not really good at all, especially bad when compared to Edo Roshi and Edo Yagura in their treasures. Normal Hiruzen/Tobirama - useless.Otherwise decent suggestions.
Quicky Post

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