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[ Lineup ] Sasuke rinne sharingan is weak


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-05-07 19:12:51Show All Posts

Ahaha, such a funny topic. Made my day. If a ninja is not same as in anime for some reason it does not have to make him OP like in anime. This is just kindergarten here. Sasuke with BT is really good and on CN he works the same way as on our servers. He is a very popular pick in pvp on CN. One of the best support characters in the game that can be a decent carry. His power and usefulness depends on teams + your BP. Ofc he won't be a unique ninja that will counter every single ninja in the game. To every ninja there is a counter. Sasuke Kills Ronin teams, Kakuzu teams. Minato is stronger yeah, but Minato is God Tier so ofc he will win + wind counters lightning. Stop with these child topics, cause its not the first one here even. Sasuke is great and there is no need to change him in my opinion + no reason to ask Oasis that, because if there is someone who can change him its Tencent - the chinese owners. Minato has healing increase nonsense? What is that suppose to mean even? You can counter Minato with Kimimaro to increase his cooldown time, Ibiki can control for 2 rounds and etc. There are ways. Sasuke is a specific ninja for specific situations but he can work pretty good in most teams still, because of good BT. Scales damage from chakra, can spam mystery, removes super armor, can cut Taijutsu damage, immune to interruption, can cause fear that stops Kakuzu, Ronin, Kakashi summer or you can go for chaos but fear is great and unique only to Sasuke at the moment + paralysis that goes through immune. Good skill set. From this topic I only see an angry post from a not grown up person who wants his favorite anime character to be as cool as in anime. Come on, man... really? This is not anime... all characters and their abilities and designed by China and since a lot of people use his BT there it means he is not as bad as you say.

This post was last edited by Eligosiel on 2020-05-07 19:22:12.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-05-08 18:27:52Show All Posts
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I only see a standart bond situation, where the other two people I am sure have more bp and speed and better overall teams than the 2 of you, which is normal why you lose. Gettings Sasuke does not mean you will solo kill two good teams which are close to your BP just because Sasuke is good in anime. Its funny. In addition, why would anyone use Sasuke with Gaara and Kushina? Kushina maybe even tho she does not fit that nicely but sometimes she can, but Gaara... Make better teams, stack power, go with someone who has also good power and teams into pvp bonds.

This post was last edited by Eligosiel on 2020-05-08 18:29:19.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-05-09 17:25:26Show All Posts

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