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[ Player Guide ] Secret Scroll system


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-05-01 03:46:09Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

A new power system is here, and honestly there isn't much to talk about it because it's very simple

To start from the point of interest, I personally spent 8400 coupons on the new materials and managed to make 1st section to level 7 and 2nd to level 3 (which gave me around 150 initiative and 6000 power but keep in mind that my power is already quite high so the power gain is higher also)







Similar to 5 elements system upgrading you need to upgrade a level of all 4 scroll before you can upgrade the total level of that section

Likewise, you can't make a level 3 scroll before upgrading that entire section to level 2

Scrolls themselves give the stats that you see on the right side of the screenshot above ^ while upgrading the section gives initiative bonus

About the stats themselves I'll cover it more in future in another thread while upgrading

There are 3 items for this system: Secret Scroll Page, Mantra Elixir and Secret Scroll Plate

Secret Scroll Page is used for every scroll upgrade and it's also used for upgrading the sections

Mantra Elixir is only used for upgrading the sections

As for unlocking the locked sections, you need the Secret Scroll Plate which is currently only available in the Total Spending Event



Now if you asked me how worth is this event, I'd say that it's very worth if you are already a higher power player

But if you aren't then it's worth for the few lower levels where it's cheap to gain power, for now aim for level 6 on each section

Quicky Post

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