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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-24 15:56:34Show All Posts
  • TobinExplains On 2020-04-24 06:51:26
  • I'm very well aware of how little the majority means, but I did not intend to debate by the cramped constraints of Oasis's rules and behaviors when I started this discussion. I'm saying that I think this is how it should be theoretically, in a more ideal world. We may not be in that world necessarily, but pushing for progression to that state is never a bad thing. The viewpoint you're holding is incredibly cynical and completely counterproductive to practically any positive change that the community could try to push. It's a 100% understandable mindset considering this company's track record, but I still don't think that "this will never happen" is a viable reason to not only give up, but actively try to shut down others who want to enact positive progress.

    Like, personally, I believe world peace is impossible to get because humankind is just too individualized to not get into fights over stuff. Does that make it pointless to try and create world peace? I dunno boss, it's still a good thing to reduce the overall amount of conflict in the world, even if it's never going to be completely gone. Either way, it feels like we're getting nowhere. Might be a good idea to just drop it and agree to disagree, but if you want to continue I'm all for it.

This game and forum don't deserve someone with your eloquence and wisdom Tobin. Always happy to read your thoughts.

Quicky Post

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