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  • Registered: 2019-07-28
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On 2020-04-16 16:21:20Show All Posts

I have to agree with many of these regards. The game has become very stagnant with no noticeable improvements since I have been playing. With the same events over and over, and becoming less f2p friendly (Don't get me wrong, I understand they need to make money) some small touch ups to the game as mentioned in the original post would go along way with the player base in my opinion. Maybe I'm just frustrated like many others and would like to see the game progress after investing time, money or both. On a positive end to my late night ramble, I think that the game still has good potential and players that care for it's future. Take care all :)

  • Registered: 2019-07-28
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On 2020-04-21 03:08:13Show All Posts

I highly doubt this is an original idea by any means, but I think it would be nice if fireworks were to give an optional style pack in which you could choose the frags you like from maybe 2-3 different ninja. As far as which ninja and how many frags is obviously up for debate, but the option to possibly finish one that you have no intention of getting to 4 stars and using the remaining frags to at least start another (as an example) would be preferable to me.

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