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On 2020-04-22 23:17:20Show All Posts
  • TobinExplains On 2020-04-21 02:57:00
  • I find it hard to believe that the majority of players would be willing to waste a fireworks week on a practical joke that people would use like, once every two months. Yeah, I don't disbelieve that adding cats to fireworks is a suggestion that others have aside from you, but I am 95% certain they are a minority rather than a popular opinion.

    If I wanted to make a funi haha meme troll team, I'd use some outdated farmable unit instead, or someone who was actually in the canon anime.

    If I wanted specifically to get a meme unit, it would be better on like, a Myoboku trial event than a Fireworks week.


People want to have meme cats in fireworks. People want to have Suit ninjas in fireworks. So next time you start complaining how Oasis gives *** ninjas for fireworks take into consideration that maybe that's what community asked for. If they have one person writing to them that they want Konohamaru and another that wants edo Itachi guess which one will they choose to give?

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On 2020-04-24 00:43:27Show All Posts
  • TobinExplains On 2020-04-23 22:15:11
  • "People" as in "100 people out of the 10,000 that play this game", sure. Whatever you say boss, you do you. "People" may want it, but it's far from the "majority" and I have no reason to believe that more than 50%... no, more than 35% of players would genuinely want a fricking meme unit over someone more useful. If you feel like proving me wrong, then now's your chance boss. Show me the stats, show me some meaningful numbers before you brag about one lucky example.

    Seriously, you can't be genuinely telling me that people WANT the gently caressing CATS in fireworks, all for a joke that wears off after 20 minutes that you're only going to use maybe once every 3 months. Look me in the eye and tell me with good faith that people would be willing to give up a chance at getting a legitimate character, who was actually in the Naruto anime, for a dumb joke that gets old faster than I can say "Daiske".

    Yeah, of course they're going to give the worse choice. Because they pretty much amount to nothing more than a living embodiment of a very specific section of Freud's psycho*ytic theory. You being okay with this is only reinforcing their behavior even further than it has ever, ever needed to be. This horse was beaten dead long, long ago, and you should know that by now considering how long you've been around.

You misunderstand one thing. You are basing your posts on the notion that this game is about majority. No, it is not. It never was and never will. It's about profit. Everyone has to invest something in this game. You either invest your money or you invest your time. Sure if they give out good ninja for free that went out of meta that's great but don't grow accustomed that this'll be a regular thing.

Besides there are plenty of ninjas that you can consider "good". You want to have good ninja? You want to have relevant ninja? Then grind and piece him event by event. You have multiple choices. But what should a person do when he/she wants a particular ninja that didn't appear in events in ages? To you the cat may be * but someone might actually waited for him to appear. Could they put him in another event? Not really since putting him in fireworks would be the most beneficial for the company. But as long as there is one person who genuinely wrote to oasis that he/she wanted the meme cat in fireworks for whatever reason, be it finishing collection or just because the cat is cute (and I believe there would be such a person) and is happy with getting said cat because it didn't have another way of getting him then I won't complain that the've given **** ******* cat for fireworks.

So I don't have to prove you anything. Majority of the people didn't want rune or refine updates. They even held pool on that. Did anything came out of "majority" voting no? So if you came here looking for democracy or whatever ideals you have in your head, I have some bad news for you. They will chose the one person that voted for the cat over 10 000 that voted for edo Itachi.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-24 20:28:22Show All Posts
  • TobinExplains On 2020-04-24 06:51:26
  • I'm very well aware of how little the majority means, but I did not intend to debate by the cramped constraints of Oasis's rules and behaviors when I started this discussion. I'm saying that I think this is how it should be theoretically, in a more ideal world. We may not be in that world necessarily, but pushing for progression to that state is never a bad thing. The viewpoint you're holding is incredibly cynical and completely counterproductive to practically any positive change that the community could try to push. It's a 100% understandable mindset considering this company's track record, but I still don't think that "this will never happen" is a viable reason to not only give up, but actively try to shut down others who want to enact positive progress.

    Like, personally, I believe world peace is impossible to get because humankind is just too individualized to not get into fights over stuff. Does that make it pointless to try and create world peace? I dunno boss, it's still a good thing to reduce the overall amount of conflict in the world, even if it's never going to be completely gone. Either way, it feels like we're getting nowhere. Might be a good idea to just drop it and agree to disagree, but if you want to continue I'm all for it.

You say that "but pushing for progression to that state is never a bad thing". Is it though? Because right now your behaviour is akin to some poor girl living in an abusive relationship that keeps coming back each week for more slaps because she believes she will reform her "sweethart" through the sheer amount of willpower and arguments alone. Even if she keeps getting back yet another black eye in return. You'd ask where is the breaking point? Where is the straw thet breaks the camels back? Is it truly beneficial to said girl to * with her "beloved" if all she gets is punches?

Each week is the same complain, complain, complain. Have the * and quit playing if everything bothers you so much. If everyone that says "Another *ty events week I'm quitting" actually held true to their word perhaps it'd force some change. Either that or the game would just shut down. But whatever, it's just a couple of pixel on the screen anyway. Take joy in small things for you never know when they'll be taken away or changed for much worse.

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On 2020-04-25 20:37:08Show All Posts
  • TobinExplains On 2020-04-25 01:41:13
  • I think that's a rather vivid and over-the-top @nalogy for a browser game, but let's roll with that and go on your terms boss. If I'm the abused girlfriend who speaks out and tries to reform her boyfriend, then you're the abused girlfriend who does nothing, who has already been broken and just su.cks it up because she's happy that she has a boyfriend at all even if he's terrible. I could say the exact same thing to you – if you are willing to use such an extreme @nalogy to describe the devs, then why don't you just leave too?

    No an@logy is necessarily perfect, but this @nalogy doesn't 100% mesh with the cir*stance because the relationship between an individual player and a company isn't in a vacuum. If we really want to make this accurate, then put the abusive boyfriend is in a polygamous relationship with 1000s of people, so that if some lucky girl actually DOES get him to change, it affects way more than just their relationship. It affects all the other ones too. Think of it like reforming a toxic family member. Not only do you have one less negative presence in your life, but the rest of your family doesn't have to deal with them anymore too.

    Edit: Kinda hypocritical of me to bring up an equally vivid an@logy, huh? I'll add the disclaimer that this particular scenario isn't half as intense or important as the toxic family member example. I brought it up to make a parallel point regarding the mechanics of the dynamic, rather than the intensity.

Why should I leave? It's you who seem to be upset not I. My relationship was not abusive to begin with. My boyfriend is not hitting me but rather coming home with a cute cat that I can show to my friends and play with them together. If one week he gives a cat or whatever, that's fine perhaps next month will be something better. If not - the world's not going to end, It's not a big deal as I don't expect him to bring me presents just because I'm with him.

And it is indeed pretty hypocritical of you to point out my *ogy when it was you who first compared a browser game to fighting for world peace. Sorry, but you are no revolutionist or peacemaker contrary to what you seem to believe.

Anyway that was not the point of this whole discussion but rather to make you see that what you call * (like certain ninjas) may not be so for someone else. And calling the company thrash for bringing certain ninjas in events seems a bit unfair considering that perhaps someone written to them that he wants the exact ninja and is happy to obtain him.

Perhaps most of my point of view stems from the fact that I remember the times when the most you could hope for to get for "free" was 20 fragments of Darui.

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On 2020-04-25 20:40:46Show All Posts
  • Bogotor On 2020-04-24 23:00:14
  • Another great logic from Kharan-if you complain,better quit,so he can feel comfortable.

No, not because "I can feel comfortable" but I am genuinely puzzled. Why continue playing a game you have no pleasure from? Is it some kind of self-katharsis or something? When I am unhappy with a game and I see no progress in a better direction for the past 4 years despite various movements I move on and find something more enjoyable but seems like that's just me.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-25 21:47:07Show All Posts
  • MalinaVojvodic On 2020-04-25 17:34:01
  • Khar*ways has great logic. Progression is wrong, giving up is right. Sounds like one hell of an achiever. His *ogy is also defeatist and insulting as that is his mentality. I would actually compare people who love the game and fight for it's progress while constantly failing to any successful person who actually knows that to succeed they had to fail more times than most people can suffer. Just because he is the first to come to mind take Lincoln for example. Lincoln’s failures were broad and numerous. He achieved the unique feat of leaving for a war a captain and returning a private (the lowest military rank). He next took failure in his stride during multiple failed business attempts. Undeterred, Lincoln marched into the political realm, where he launched several failed runs at political office before his ascendance to President which ultimately led to abolishment of slavery. As Kharan is likely to misunderstand that the story as my comparison between abolishing slavery and trying to improve a browser game I have to note that the example I took is about success and great changes coming through unrelenting will in spite of failure. You can just as easily take any known examples of success in spite of failure that affected the world like Einstein, Edison or Disney.

Yeah, your *ogy is flawed. Lincoln was no ordinary citizen to abolish slavery. For it to work you'd have to become ceo of the company and make changes for the players from the inside. Are you able to do that?

(and Lincoln ended up being shot so it didn't turn out so great for him as an individual but that's a digression)

By all means keep complaining for weeks without end but I've seen bigger fish than you in this pond and the most they managed to "achieve" was a ban to their face. They only thing that is able to make a change is p2w's money. Whining of f2p's is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things so what's wrong with enjoying the game for what it is rather than making the same topics about the same things over and over?


And all the noble inventors/artists that you give as examples to follow and change the world had wealthy patrons/sponsors behind their backs who were willing to jut out large sums for their inventions. As you can see it is not exacly a scenario that can be used for comparison.

This post was last edited by Kharan on 2020-04-25 23:22:56.
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